Energy Cap

Which it never ever could be, without the gas/coal/oil or nuke to fall back upon, so a really bad idea to rely upon green intermitants.
I didn't say that renewables alone were the intended solution. Gas and nuclear was going to be the fall back (not coal), with Rough storage to back the gas generation up. But the Tories screwed that all up, so now we are much more vulnerable than we needed to be.
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The nuke program dropped off because the outfit that was going to do it dropped out. It's not been that easy to find companies that will do it.
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Demand reduction has been more or less ignored by the current government for quite a while now. The Green Home Grant was their half hearted attempt and it failed miserably.
Demand reduction has been more or less ignored by the current government for quite a while now. The Green Home Grant was their half hearted attempt and it failed miserably.
HMG has had a series of schemes which failed one after another. They all tied you up or forced you to pay for things you wouldn't want to.