English kids good at reading.

@ellal Is there anything in the article that says it's just English Language? Previously we were beaten by Poland, Finland and Russia. I can't imagine this would be English Language on that basis.
I can read several languages other than English, but can't speak most of them to an acceptable level...

"By 2030, the government wants 90% of children leaving primary school to reach the expected standards in reading, writing and maths"

We've heard this time and time again, and yet nothing changes...

Any why is the goal not 100%, as many other countries strive for?
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Any why is the goal not 100%, as many other countries strive for?
Probably for the same reason as we don’t want all of them to be qualified to be brain surgeons. Someone has to sweep the streets, clean toilets, work in care homes etc.
Probably for the same reason as we don’t want all of them to be qualified to be brain surgeons. Someone has to sweep the streets, clean toilets, work in care homes etc.
Why can't people who sweep streets, clean toilets and work in care homes be expected to read English well.

Or do you think those jobs are beneath a decent person ?
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I'd imagine a 90% target is realistic as there'll be a few who are dyslexic, or have trouble reading for all kinds of reasons. Not everyone is inclined to pick up War and Peace. (Still on my to-do list.)
Probably for the same reason as we don’t want all of them to be qualified to be brain surgeons. Someone has to sweep the streets, clean toilets, work in care homes etc.
Don't you claim to teach* disadvantaged people?

Do they deserve to be able to be taught to read and write or not?

*That is of course when you can be bothered to turn up for the 'job' you get paid for by the taxpayer ;)
Kids are good at reading so they should be allowed to vote at 16 then as the dumbo pensioners voted for Brexit.
Probably for the same reason as we don’t want all of them to be qualified to be brain surgeons. Someone has to sweep the streets, clean toilets, work in care homes etc.

And vote Tory. The Tory's need the uninformed lemmings like yourself.
"Someone has to sweep the streets, clean toilets, work in care homes etc"

And pick fruit and veg...

Funnily enough these are the type of jobs that many EU nationals did before brexit...

One wonders why the 'unqualified' UK lot who voted for such stupidity aren't jumping at the chance to do such 'menial' jobs?

Ah, but that's right...

They are happy to see record levels of immigration. only this time they might not quite like the skin colour of these migrants ;)
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