An obvious swerve.
If you intended for it to read that you had only received the email once, you wouldn't have included the word 'once'.
You would have simply said ,"I had an emailoncetelling me that funding was available for certain cohorts,.."
The inclusion of the word 'once' on this occasion, clearly refers to you having received the email some time ago, as in 'once upon a time', implying some time ago.
Just like with transam, just like with racing pigeons, just like with the New Zealand thread, just like with everything else, you have the inability to let something go. I bet you’re a real pain in the butt when you visit people - I bet they can’t get rid of you quick enough and I’d lay money that your invitations to social gatherings are drying up. Correct?
I said once because it happened once and just so that you are completely informed, it hasn’t happened again TO ME. It was for summer 2018. Good enough for you? If you need any finer, in-depth details to enable you to get closure on this, get back to me and I’ll see if I can help - I wouldn’t want you losing any more sleep on this than you already have.
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