EU united against payment for gas in Roubles? Nah!

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And if you weren't half asleep or stuck in the Eurozone you may have noticed the thread title and stuck to the topic about that fine club of European friends and partners not sticking together and some of them paying up as Putin tells them.
gosh fancy that individual EU countries being able to make choices

obviously that brexit claim was bulls hit
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Yep, 'Slippery sods have found a way round it apparently' is indeed correct...

"Eight Russian oligarchs on the UK sanctions list over their links to Vladimir Putin were granted “golden visas” to live in Britain.

The eight individuals, who Boris Johnson described as having “the blood of the Ukrainian people on their hands”, were granted the right to live in the UK after promising to invest at least £2m under the controversial tier 1 investor visa scheme."
The British government knew from day 1 that these Oligarchs and their money was dodgy but it didn't matter at the time.
The EU was just as guilty in grovelling for money which had been looted from the Russian people and now that the proverbial has hit the fan, everyone is becoming all sanctimonious and righteous about UKraine.
Fortunately Putin is showing up the EU for what it really is, a fur coat and no knickers outfit.
The EU raises cash by selling Eurobonds which just like the Roman Catholic church used to sell indulgences, basically, they are IOUs which promise heaven when your term is up.
Unlike Russia, the EU is neither food or energy secure, it has no natural resources, its is heavily indebted unlike Russia which has record trade surpluses and little foreign debt, when anyone points these facts out they are accused of being Putin lovers.
If the Russians want paid in Roubles or turnips or potatoes for their gas and oil, why complain.
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Putin is showing up the EU for what it really is, a fur coat and no knickers outfit.
The EU raises cash by selling Eurobonds which just like the Roman Catholic church used to sell indulgences, basically, they are IOUs which promise heaven when your term is up.
Unlike Russia, the EU is neither food or energy secure, it has no natural resources, its is heavily indebted unlike Russia which has record trade surpluses and little foreign debt, when anyone points these facts out they are accused of being Putin lovers.
If the Russians want paid in Roubles or turnips or potatoes for their gas and oil, why complain.

what a load of anti EU rolox

Vinty, UK is heavily indebted, USA is heavily indebted.

EU food security - you are lying, EU does not face a food security risk.

Netherlands is the worlds second biggest food exporter.

By the way, the UK is a fur coat and no knickers outfit: most of UKs railway operators are foreign owned, lots of its communication networks are foreign owned, most of its energy suppliers are foreign owned, most of its major industries are foreign owned.

oh and guess what, the worlds money laundering centre is London.

UK is responsible for filtering Putins money into legitimate assets

UK govt is bankrolled by Russian money

Brexit was bankrolled by Russian money.
what a load of anti EU rolox

Vinty, UK is heavily indebted, USA is heavily indebted.

EU food security - you are lying, EU does not face a food security risk.

Netherlands is the worlds second biggest food exporter.

By the way, the UK is a fur coat and no knickers outfit: most of UKs railway operators are foreign owned, lots of its communication networks are foreign owned, most of its energy suppliers are foreign owned, most of its major industries are foreign owned.

oh and guess what, the worlds money laundering centre is London.

UK is responsible for filtering Putins money into legitimate assets

UK govt is bankrolled by Russian money

Brexit was bankrolled by Russian money.
Putin is going to save Britain from EU tyranny just as Stalin saved Britain from Nazi tyranny.
You just don't realise it yet.
By the way, the UK is a fur coat and no knickers outfit: most of UKs railway operators are foreign owned, lots of its communication networks are foreign owned, most of its energy suppliers are foreign owned, most of its major industries are foreign owned
Have to agree with you.
Lot of good points Notch.
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EU food security - you are lying, EU does not face a food security risk.

Netherlands is the worlds second biggest food exporter.

Interestingly that is correct, I checked it out because I was dubious. I guess the larger countries that produce more consume it rather than export. But all that aside, I read yesterday that food prices have increased more in the eu than uk since brexit, why's that?
Interestingly that is correct, I checked it out because I was dubious. I guess the larger countries that produce more consume it rather than export. But all that aside, I read yesterday that food prices have increased more in the eu than uk since brexit, why's that?

Is it true?

Where did you read it?
I found these stories.



EU - pile of poo. :LOL:
Interestingly that is correct, I checked it out because I was dubious. I guess the larger countries that produce more consume it rather than export. But all that aside, I read yesterday that food prices have increased more in the eu than uk since brexit, why's that?
Brexit has caused significant price rises on food and less choice.

those integrated rapid supply chains are knackered.

The customs and transit checks means delivery times routinely take 24 hours longer

fruit and veg wholesalers have to now pay customs agents for all the complex paperwork.

Anybody working in distribution will tell you brexit has caused one hell of a mess that’s not going away.
We get a weekly delivery from Tesco’s and lots of items, tbh nearly all, have gone up very significantly, I’m talking easily up to 20%, routinely 10%

funnily enough our food spend has gone down since the before the pandemic - my wife shopped in Waitrose, then we swapped to Tesco to get online….and even with price rises it’s still gone down.
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