EU united against payment for gas in Roubles? Nah!

Putin is going to save Britain from EU tyranny just as Stalin saved Britain from Nazi tyranny.
You just don't realise it yet.

What EU tyranny?

You do come out with the most ridiculous statements.

This country is being wrecked by right wing populism which is increasing inequality and destroying democracy - Brexit has enabled tyranny not stopped it.

Brexit was merely a vehicle for the rich to make money out of the chaos and opportunities to deregulate.

you’ve been utterly conned
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What EU tyranny
Just before Putins invasion of Ukraine, the EU was making all sorts of threats to the UK, they invoked article 16 without consulting the UK, they have been enabling people smugglers to flood the UK with asylum shoppers, on top of that they have excluded Britain from various research programmes in Europe.
Since Putins invasion, the EU are not so cocky as they once were, they now realise that they need the British to save them from Putin.
Lord Frost is correct when he says that Britain should use the situation in Ukraine as leverage to get the EU to scrap article 16 and other threats to UK trade.
Just before Putins invasion of Ukraine, the EU was making all sorts of threats to the UK, they invoked article 16 without consulting the UK, they have been enabling people smugglers to flood the UK with asylum shoppers, on top of that they have excluded Britain from various research programmes in Europe.
Since Putins invasion, the EU are not so cocky as they once were, they now realise that they need the British to save them from Putin.
Lord Frost is correct when he says that Britain should use the situation in Ukraine as leverage to get the EU to scrap article 16 and other threats to UK trade.

good grief, you are truly clueless.
utterly utterly devoid of any reality whatsoever.

Brexit is the cause of trade damage….when are going to behave like an adult accept you voted for the UK to be worse off.

you voted for a customs border inside the United Kingdom, so stop whining about it.
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you voted for a customs border inside the United Kingdom, so stop whining about it.
I didn't vote for the economic partition of the UK.
Make no mistake about it, this EU imperialist annexation is not done and dusted.
There have been a large number of peaceful anti EU protests in Ulster but true to form the BBC doesn't report on them.
Boris Johnsons decision to sell out his own country is his own affair, at some point he will have to account for his decisions.
Too much blood has been spilt to keep Ulster British to allow someone like Boris to treat it as some sort of bargaining chip in his dealings with the EU.
There have been a large number of peaceful anti EU protests in Ulster but true to form the BBC doesn't report on them.
There are dozens of news outlets not reporting your EU protests. Perhaps it's just that a handful of pi$$ed overweight middle aged gammons are not newsworthy.
There are dozens of news outlets not reporting your EU protests. Perhaps it's just that a handful of pi$$ed overweight middle aged gammons are not newsworthy.
Do you really believe that.
I didn't vote for the economic partition of the UK.

More correctly due to various fictions being put around about boarder systems that do no exist. If you voted for Brexityou got what you voted for only you were not aware of it.

The super boarder stuff for here that will streamline all that arrives and leaves EU wise also allowing checks hasn't materialised either. Seems it will take another 12 months - or so they say. Excuse - it will increase the cost of goods.
Only if The Wail is the only tabloid reporting it. Not personally seen owt. And I'm of the opinion that you are a nutter
There is a thin line between nutter and genius.
Because you live in ignorance, don't believe that the rest of us share your intellectual space.
Edit.. Hope i spelt intellectual properly. LOL.
More correctly due to various fictions being put around about boarder systems that do no exist. If you voted for Brexityou got what you voted for only you were not aware of it.

The super boarder stuff for here that will streamline all that arrives and leaves EU wise also allowing checks hasn't materialised either. Seems it will take another 12 months - or so they say. Excuse - it will increase the cost of goods.
More correctly to popular fictions, partition of the UK wasn't on the ballot paper.
Maybe a rerun of the referendum should be undertaken to sort these fictions out.
I didn't vote for the economic partition of the UK.
Make no mistake about it, this EU imperialist annexation is not done and dusted.
There have been a large number of peaceful anti EU protests in Ulster but true to form the BBC doesn't report on them.
Boris Johnsons decision to sell out his own country is his own affair, at some point he will have to account for his decisions.
Too much blood has been spilt to keep Ulster British to allow someone like Boris to treat it as some sort of bargaining chip in his dealings with the EU.

There were 2 brexit options:

1) the whole of the UK stays in the Single Market and Customs Union

2) the UK leaves SM and CU, but NI stays aligned with ROI, ie inside Single Market for goods and a border between GB and NI

Vinty which option did you want?
There were 2 brexit options:

1) the whole of the UK stays in the Single Market and Customs Union

2) the UK leaves SM and CU, but NI stays aligned with ROI, ie inside Single Market for goods and a border between GB and NI

Vinty which option did you want?

You must've gone to the wrong referendum Notch.

Thursday the 23rd of June 2016 the EU referendum question wording is:

Q. Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?
You must've gone to the wrong referendum Notch.

Thursday the 23rd of June 2016 the EU referendum question wording is:

Q. Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?
Did we leave yet?

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