EU united against payment for gas in Roubles? Nah!

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And what an utter pile of poo it turned out to be. I'm sure those across the Irish Sea are thrilled.


...Johnson has sent Northern Ireland minister Conor Burns to Washington in an attempt to explain the government's new strategy that would give ministers the power to unilaterally suspend part of the agreement that was signed by Johnson in 2019, the report said...

Utter pile of shoite.:rolleyes:
So you don't think that day rates for all jobs in the building trade have gone up since the cheap workers have gone home?
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So you don't think that day rates for all jobs in the building trade have gone up since the cheap workers have gone home?
A glut of cheap labour benefits the low end side of the construction industry. I'm sure the big construction employers are having their fare share of headaches regards labourers. I'm guessing The NHS, care homes, fruit and veg growers are having a ball.
While in Euroland, everything is just tickety ****ing boo. :rolleyes:

Actually I suspect it's a bit of a mess all round even for the USA. Base rate cuts due to panics. The USA did boost them to 2% after the banking crisis and then covid hit. UK and EU didn't. Then there is the financial easing. Pet theory. Levels are so low they can't really control inflation so maybe we head towards 2%. Said by some one or the other that any economy should be able to stand that. Maybe the commodity dealers are making billions but the people who sell to them will want more because of that. So inflation does settle eventually but that doesn't mean prices reduce. Prices just stabilise. Base rates in the past

You may need to click 25y on all. LOL :mrgreen: Just a crazy thought - how to get them back to a level where they can control again without upsetting the apple cart. Pass but reducing them extremely to keep an economy going may be bad news. Brexit kept ours low as was mentioned at the time. Low rates push up house and property prices but I wonder about other things and the effects of financial easing.

Then Putin kicks in.
Tis the Russians fault :LOL:
Do you think that's what has made the Tories so fudging greedy? So greedy that they have jeopardised the enjoyment of millions of UK lives so that a handful of billionaires can get a bit more richer?

Utter pile of poo.
Do you think that's what has made the Tories so fudging greedy? So greedy that they have jeopardised the enjoyment of millions of UK lives so that a handful of billionaires can get a bit more richer?

Utter pile of poo.

well you could well have a point noseall

the UK has been infiltrated by Russians

armed forces
Local government
The present government is actually run by Russians they were infiltrated years ago

brexit vote was entirely a Russian plot

The SNP in Scotland are run by Russian infiltrators

this caper in NI

def Russians

you need to pull yer ead out of your wat sit :idea:

dare say your local council has been infiltrated by Russians :idea:

and that Lurpack your missis paid a fiver for

yes exactly

Russians ;)
I'd have thought at least one person thought it was all or mostly down to Macron. Especially as he has a decent set of teeth - plus his hair do.
Latest predictions - inflation reaching 10%, as always some stuff in the food line will be higher. The cost of living index appears to miss some aspects of living.
Good to see you're agreeing with your own post. Why not give yourself a 'Like' while you're at it? :ROFLMAO:

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