EU united against payment for gas in Roubles? Nah!

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As usual Fillyboy is spreading Brexit misinformation.
If Brexit was any good for the UK we would have heard about it by now. All you do hear regards the pro-Brexit whiners, is them dragging up ANY issues about countries in the EU.

Brexit - pile of poo.
Gone might get mileage from the Ukraine situation. Ending Russian gas usage and wrecking economies. Germany get the mention but a number use high proportions of it. He can claim Brexit means we don't have that problem - we do to a lesser extent - must be down to having been in the EU.

Germany feels it can end russian oil usage shortly. That assumes supply isn't a problem. Hungary does not want to end use of any russian fuel. Putin's friend of economy can't stand it or he doesn't want to harm it.

In 2020, Russia exported 17.2 bcm of LNG to Europe, and China imported 94 bcm. [21] Of the 94 bcm China imported, almost 40 bcm were spot purchases. [22] These numbers suggest that China has the capacity to absorb more Russian LNG.

That is natural gas. An aspect that can confuse.
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Gone might get mileage from the Ukraine situation. Ending Russian gas usage and wrecking economies. Germany get the mention but a number use high proportions of it. He can claim Brexit means we don't have that problem - we do to a lesser extent - must be down to having been in the EU.

Germany feels it can end russian oil usage shortly. That assumes supply isn't a problem. Hungary does not want to end use of any russian fuel. Putin's friend of economy can't stand it or he doesn't want to harm it.

In 2020, Russia exported 17.2 bcm of LNG to Europe, and China imported 94 bcm. [21] Of the 94 bcm China imported, almost 40 bcm were spot purchases. [22] These numbers suggest that China has the capacity to absorb more Russian LNG.

That is natural gas. An aspect that can confuse.
There isn't much Pipeline capacity or anywhere near enough Liquid NG capacity in Russia. In the short term the loss of Europe as an export market would be huge.

At present Belarus is a bigger market than China for Russian natural gas.
There isn't much Pipeline capacity or anywhere near enough Liquid NG
n 2020, Russia exported 17.2 bcm of LNG to Europe, and China imported 94 bcm

I think you will find there are pipelines into china. Mega one not built but talked about.
n 2020, Russia exported 17.2 bcm of LNG to Europe, and China imported 94 bcm

I think you will find there are pipelines into china. Mega one not built but talked about.
There is, Russia can put around 17 bcm to China in its one pipeline. It currently does something like 120 bcm in its six European pipelines at the moment. The LNG is a small proportion of its total NG exports. The clue is in the L, most of it is gaseous.

They're aiming to get the China exports up to 38 bcm by 2025. That's less than Germany takes now on its own.
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EU split on ending energy supplies from Russia"

I had already posted that. Poland now wondering what it will do when their gas reserves run out. No mention of oil as far as I am aware. Political noises not thought through.

Germany has already reduced oil. Not much of a problem for countries that have a coastline other than Russia's supplies being made up from some where else. Same with gas really bit not so easy so they are looking for solutions. Germany will do their best to reduce it ASAP..

:ROFLMAO:I suppose you think Ukraine aspects wont harm the UK or that problems with the EU's economy wont have any effect here either. Well if you want to think that - that's fine by me.

potential world war three on the horizon

and the EU are still arguing about a sausage going from the UK main land to NI :ROFLMAO:

blimey it’s easier to get a truck load of anti tank weapons across the border into the Ukraine :LOL:
Looks like there's a bit of discord in the club. I wonder if the club leader, sorry, equal partner, will get their own way? :whistle:

"EU split on ending energy supplies from Russia"
You're out of date as usual old man...

Seems they've sorted that one out, and in record time too...

"The EU has been focusing for weeks on how to wean itself off Russian oil and gas. It has already pledged to reduce gas imports by two-thirds by the end of 2022 and now plans to phase out crude oil over six months and refined products by the end of 2022."

How long did it take for the UK to get a failed/suicidal brexit? :rolleyes:
I've been to Italy quite a few times. I've seen loads of pretty young non-hairy Italian girls. I've seen loads of hairy old women too. Never seen any in between - they are a bit of a missing link. It's as if they go up to the mountains in their twenties and come back down in their fifties covered in a carpet of hairs.
Got any pics - asking for a friend
Got any pics - asking for a friend


You're out of date as usual old man...
Seems they've sorted that one out, and in record time too...

"The EU has been focusing for weeks on how to wean itself off Russian oil and gas. It has already pledged to reduce gas imports by two-thirds by the end of 2022 and now plans to phase out crude oil over six months and refined products by the end of 2022."

How long did it take for the UK to get a failed/suicidal brexit? :rolleyes:

They've sorted nothing out until it's sorted, you plum. They are just 'pledging' to do something. It needs the approval of all members and Hungary have already said they are going to veto it. Anyway, that 'pledge' is a bit like your 'pledge' to leave the country, close your forum account and take in a Ukranian family and we all know how those 'pledges' have turned out, don't we. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Crude imports from Russia to EU have been cut pretty dramatically already. Rest within the next 6 months. Processed is more tricky. 12 for that. About the same stated for us to end all usage. They will try and phase it so that there isn't a sudden price inflation however if successful it will increase prices for all. I noticed an increase in Brent crude recently. This may be why. It was hovering around 100. Still 105 and expected to increase further.

Hungary and Slovakia just want to carry on using it. Excuse - their economies. As all will suffer that doesn't make much sense but perhaps it is worse for them. Immediately some start talking about them using a veto to block any rulings. I'm not sure they can actually. The veto can only be applied to some areas. Not sure about what is effectively an embargo. According to reports Hungary has funny politics. Some what bent. Not sure about Slovakia.

Germany is dead set on ending use of Russian gas. We can really look forwards to a price increase when all do that. Brexit people can gloat but it's going to cost all of us where ever we are. Some politicians are wondering if people in general will put up with it.

The EU has also removed some other Russian banks from Swift. Listening to Russian trade talks that happened to be in English their answer is pay us in any currency you like even your own for anything they sell.

C4 I reporting more infrastructure hits also showing USA anti tank missiles. More bulky than the UK one Also Ukraine tanks firing with high elevation. ;) Pretty sure they were tanks but think I have seen the image before. They may be self propelled artillery.

Reporting on the steel works is the most confused I have heard on anything. There is an evacuation. There is heavy fighting, Back and forth. BBC pointed out that they do not have a recent shot or footage of the steel works. So some more will get out or some more wont.
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