Excess Deaths Debate 16th January 2024

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Reasoned debate won't be part of that equation.
Here's one. Why do you think over 92% of NHS staff have had the vaccine? Did they not know about the dangers? Or maybe it was the safest jab ever devised?
Here's one. Why do you think over 92% of NHS staff have had the vaccine? Did they not know about the dangers? Or maybe it was the safest jab ever devised?
Funny how the Nhs ended up being the reason for the vaccine mandate being scrapped.
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Funny how the Nhs ended up being the reason for the vaccine mandate being scrapped.
The mandate was only for health care so that's the only sector that could possibly be affected.
Sounded like a very good common sense precaution to me anyway, regardless of any science or not.

Shame that, when standing in a queue at the tills, it seems to be the ones without access to running water, soap, or deodorant, that don't take that guidance into account any more :sick:
If you have, and continue to invest your body in the COVID vaccine, then you will defend that decision to the death (literally).
Same for not taking it.

It's a leap of faith. It's a religious action. Logic and sense have no bearing on your decision either way.

sensible people compare risk: what is the risk of covid causing complications with vaccine side effects

All the data shows the risk from covid is higher than risk from vaccines….that’s not a leap of faith, it’s based on the data.

obviously the risk from covid is less with lower age so risk is dependent on age
Science and evidence demand inspection and questions not the opposite
Science is built on evidence and data, it literally demands inspection and scrutiny as part of the process

some loony on YouTube or ******** is lapped up by Gant and his fellow travellers without question
The problem with that statistic is that that covid was only a threat to 1% of the population.
That's nearly 700,000 people in the UK alone. I'd rather they didn't die if possible.
The problem with that statistic is that that covid was only a threat to 1% of the population.
If by threat you mean fatal.

And if you ignore the people who were merely hospitalised or left with long term reduced capacity.

And of course you had no Idea who that 1% were.
Why do you think the take up rate in the NHS was so high?
Because of the treat to their jobs. I know load of people who didn’t want it but had bills to pay.

It was an absolute disgrace.
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