Excess Deaths Debate 16th January 2024

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Because you could still catch covid and still pass it on.
Like other vaccines? Serious illness, death and hospitalisation were reduced, I can post some research if you like?
From Sweden where they didn't go overboard with all the lockdowns.
One of the highest in Europe for vaccine take up. Sensible people the Swedes.

Background The effect of vaccination for COVID-19 on onward transmission is unknown.

Cheers for that Denny. As I said….
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Background The effect of vaccination for COVID-19 on onward transmission is unknown.

Cheers for that Denny. As I said….
Silly NGSW doesn't realise how research papers are laid out. You are making a fool of yourself. That is the background proposition which the paper addresses.
Silly NGSW doesn't realise how research papers are laid out. You are making a fool of yourself. That is the background proposition which the paper addresses.
You’ll notice the …..

Come on Denny, you know why I post
The key strategy to bring it to an end was give up with the hocus pocus vaccine and stop counting/publishing the figures and get back to normal and start counting flu and pneumonia deaths again.
Was it really ? Your facts and figures back this up?
A new approach denying it of publicity? old as the hills and now it's as though it never happened in the event of some awkward questions might need answering.
Still we have the covid enquiry with it's carefully crafted questions and answers.
A new approach denying it of publicity?
So, when it is spreading throughout the country, just keep it a secret? Genius...

The tinfoil hatters would have been happy with that, no doubt.
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