Excess Deaths Debate 16th January 2024

Do you go by gut instinct that the scientists you have faith in are being truthful and honest?
I read the research and I see how many of them come to the same conclusion. It's how science works. Do you think they are lying, or they all came to the same wrong conclusion by accident or deceit?
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Really, sounds a bit like a gut instinct to come out with that kind of remark and not based on 'facts'
It's stone cold fact that you never reveal you sources. Cop out at every opportunity.
I read the research and I see how many of them come to the same conclusion. It's how science works. Do you think they are lying, or they all came to the same wrong conclusion by accident or deceit?
So you go off how many are ****ing in the same pot who want to hang onto their job.
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But don't necessarily put them forward because they have a mortgage to pay and a family to feed.
So you haven't seen their reports, can't produce them, but fully believe them and expect others to do so without any information?

Have you tried thinking things through?
I see the conversation is going the usual route where pinky and perky are involved.
Some take as read without questioning what scientists say because they can't think for themselves.
Takes all sorts dun it.
Scientific studies which published on trustworthy online science research repositories include the merhodology, the funding source and are peer reviewed, so there is no need to “read without questioning”.
The funding source, you mean those that pay the wages.
You'll be saying the west is corrupt next.
I've a feeling someones thin skin has been punctured somewhat.
Not at all unless you mean yours.

I notice you couldn't respond to the point about your sources though. Any sign of them?

Just not sure whether you are Laurel, or Hardy.
just about people I know who have since taking the vax and getting as many boosters in their arms as they can now seem to be with a constant cold or other illness
selective memory

its like gamblers they remember the wins and conveniently forget all the losses.
I also have a close relative who died at home - heart attack sat in a chair with a cup of tea by their side with the TV on when they were found, just over middle aged fit healthy regular gym visitor, died less than 24 hours after the first booster.
And that is a loss I wont forget.
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