Excess Deaths Debate 16th January 2024

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All if’s and buts.
No it's common sense. There was no, or very little testing at the time. Why do you think there were so many excess deaths when covid came along?

You claimed it is the other way around and covid was overreported. Prove it.
No it's common sense. There was no, or very little testing at the time. Why do you think there were so many excess deaths when covid came along?

You claimed it is the other way around and covid was overreported. Prove it.
Admirable optimism.
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No it's common sense. There was no, or very little testing at the time. Why do you think there were so many excess deaths when covid came along?

You claimed it is the other way around and covid was overreported. Prove it.
You haven’t proved a single thing and you know it.
first you claim Densos link shows deaths were over reported....and when the evidence shows the opposite is true, you change your story to claim "its just a guess"
lol he’s pulled a report out that’s just guess work! Even someone of your low intelligence can see there’s no proof ?

Likely!!! The GD standard is lower than ever
What do you think may have caused excess deaths in the old and vulnerable when covid hit? Toothache?
Not being able to see a doctor for a start off ? Not being able to go to hospital.

To cover up their failures, death certificates marked as COVID.
So doctors were lying then. You really have a twisted worldview.
You missed my two reasons for excessive deaths! Well done.

They only needed one symptom and marked it as Covid.
You prove what I asked first.
I did. I post the evidence for all to see and no one is running to your defence. I don't know if they are stuck down a manhole cleaning out sh@t but they've gone missing.

Maybe it's the simplest of boiler problems they are stuck with. I don't know.
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