Excess Deaths Debate 16th January 2024

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tldr= gas is talking undiluted horse piddle
Turbo cancer is an anti-vaccination myth[1] centred on the idea that people vaccinated against COVID-19, especially with mRNA vaccines, are suffering from a high incidence of fast-developing cancers. The myth, spread by a number of vaccine opponents and related influencers including doctors,[2] has no factual basis.[3][1]

turbo cancer is a widely used term within oncologists on how fast cancers come back
Quoting wikipedia as fact jesus how gullible are you
I read that Bridgen was invited to attend the WEF at davos on the exact same day as his deaths debate was due. Does that not sound at least a little bit suspicious to anyone.
Not even a member of a party and is an independent why would the WEF invite him.
I thought John Campbel was a big advocate for the jab - he encouraged people to take it but slowly changed his mind after more and more info came to light.
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I thought John Campbel was a big advocate for the jab - he encouraged people to take it but slowly changed his mind after more and more info came to light
He changed his mind because being a vaccine sceptic grows his channel
It seems covid virus increases cancer rates

did you miss this bit of your link ;

Dr. Patel, who was not involved in the study, stresses that the analysis does not show that COVID-19 causes any of these cancers.
Define a 'jab junkie', please.
Blind obedience in continual taking of not fully tested vaccinations and showing an inability to question the effects on the human immune system of multiple jabs...

There you go...

In return, care to define an 'anti vaxxer'?
I have two funerals next month of lads I grew up knowing.
I know of two suicides of young men in their 30s/40s this year.
This is sadly a big problem...

The biggest cause of deaths of males under 45 in the UK...

And if you understand what teenagers in particular have had to put up with due to unnecessary school closures because of the 'virus', it's obvious that it will only get worse...

Add to that the near impossible situation they face as regards doing what we took for granted - namely on the whole being able to afford a roof over your head of your own, and thus independence...

At the same time as mental health care in the UK is being massively scaled back!
Blind obedience in continual taking of not fully tested vaccinations
Don't know any then, do you? Jab junkies my arse. Its been several years since billions took up the successful Covid jab roll-out. How much testing do you want? I doubt there is a safer medicine on the planet, lol.
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