Excess Deaths Debate 16th January 2024

This is sadly a big problem...

The biggest cause of deaths of males under 45 in the UK...

And if you understand what teenagers in particular have had to put up with due to unnecessary school closures because of the 'virus', it's obvious that it will only get worse...

Add to that the near impossible situation they face as regards doing what we took for granted - namely on the whole being able to afford a roof over your head of your own, and thus independence...

At the same time as mental health care in the UK is being massively scaled back!
Yea. It's noticeable now.
My girls School life has been massively affected with covid teacher strikes and now their brand new school is being knocked down due to shabby workmanship. They will never see a proper school life again.

The worry this must be for parents who also are struggling with costs going up.
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It's not just tge poor we see so called celebrities and sports people dying by the dozen.

We all need to look after ourselves as number 1 with diet and exercise.
Inturn we can then look after others.
Problem with that is when you follow it religiously which is what Denso is apt to do and then it changes.

You mean acting on best evidence at the time?
Like using your lights when it's dark, then not using them when it's light?

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Your hyperbole.

The (peer-reviewed, not junk) science goes a long way to ensuring that your cobblers is just that (y)
Have a word with Denso he takes those in a white coat and four biros in their top pocket as gospel, are you saying you do?
Ah I see, so you are a conspiracy theorist after all then.
How does “Dr“ John Campbell earn his money?

he earns it from his YouTube channel

and youtube algorithm spreads controversial claims faster and more widely than boring facts and evidence.

read the comments for his videos it’s full of nutters

Ive analysed some of his videos

Have you noticed he sometimes has a print out of a study which he scribbles on….Ive compared those and he has altered the figures from the study on more than one occasion.

You are welcome to try and show where I am a conspiracist.
I you can’t then please do the decent thing and retract your dishonest post
Have you noticed he sometimes has a print out of a study which he scribbles on….Ive compared those and he has altered the figures from the study on more than one occasion
Are you not spreading rumors, you tube have had him in their sights for sometime and if that was the case surely they'd take it up with him.
You not been taking note, might help you stop trying to be a smart ar*e if you paid more attention.
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