Expanded ULEZ

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You could develop a limp?

A4 isn't it - how old's that? Behindert durch Dummheit. I guess you can sell them outside London, but yeah, that's going to feel unfair. Pity some mfs can't come up with add-on cats.
A6 limited edition.
I can sell it out of London for a few coins, but I don't want to.
It's a fantastic machine with everything I want in a car.
Theoretically I could get a disability pass or whatever they call it nowadays.
I never bothered although I have a permanent handicap.
I don't want anything from anyone for a disability that I've always lived with and worked my ways around it.
Most people don't even know I have it.
I guess in today's world I'm mad not to milk the public purse.
I often pop down to mum's mid week for a visit after work. It goes something like this:

Car Journey
17.30: Walk out of my house.
17.50: Walk into mums house.

20.00: Walk out of mums house.
20.20: Walk into my house.

A quick look at the bus timetable tells me the journey would be something like this:

Bus Journey
17.30: Leave my house for bus stop.
17.41: Get on bus.
18.21: Get off bus.
18.30: Arrive at mums house.

20.00: Leave mums house for bus stop.
20.16: Get on bus.
20.46: Get off bus.
20.59: Get on another bus.
21.18: Get off bus.
21.25: Arrive at my house.

Summary, by car takes 20 mins door to door and I have approx. 2 hours to natter with mum. By bus I have 1.5 hours to natter, however the journey there takes approx. 60 mins and coming back almost 1.5 hours with a change of bus along the way. Not to mention inclement weather, undesirables that might be hanging about in the evening etc.

And they wonder why, in many day to day scenarios, folk don't want to give up their cars.
Same here:
Take 3 kids for activities twice a week.
By car:
Leave home 16:15
Reach first stop 16:25
Reach second stop 16:45
Reach third stop 16:55.
Get back home 17:10.
Return journey:
Leave home 18:15
First stop 18:25 and wait 5 minutes
Second stop 18:50 and wait 10 minutes
Third stop 19:10
Get back home 19:25

By bus:
Well, there is no chance this could be done, so kids would not do sport.

No one is asking anyone to give up their car
Mr Khant is forcing me to get rid of mine or else, he will charge me protection money.
Know I didn't
Cars are out
So cars are in then? Good stuff...

Will Oxfordshire residents need permission from the councils to travel across the city?


Everyone can go through all the filters at any time by bus, bike, taxi, scooter or walking. Furthermore, residents will still be able to drive to every part of the city at any time – but in the future, during certain times of the day, you may need to take a different route (e.g. using the ring road) if you want to travel by car.

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So cars are in then? Good stuff...

Will Oxfordshire residents need permission from the councils to travel across the city?


Everyone can go through all the filters at any time by bus, bike, taxi, scooter or walking. Furthermore, residents will still be able to drive to every part of the city at any time – but in the future, during certain times of the day, you may need to take a different route (e.g. using the ring road) if you want to travel by car.

Your nothing if not consistent in soaking all this stuff up like a sponge, if could only go off beam now and again and point out there could be some drawbacks to these 'dreams'
You are if you think that every service/provision will be provided within 15 minutes walking distance for everyone. That is absurd.

There is plenty of published research, have a look.
I haven't found anything that addresses the loss of economy of scale.

I've seen lots of articles that fuel expensive planning consultants meal tickets and justifying congestion and pollution taxes for the good of the people and the planet. I haven't seen anything that takes account of supply, service maintenance etc.

If we get people out of their cars, but replace them with smaller delivery vehicles. It's kinda the same outcome.
But yes the bus services in everywhere except London are crap.
I have been saying this to my local council for years. If they want people to greatly reduce their reliance on cars, they need to make public transport:

More affordable.
More reliable.
More frequent.
More safe.

Until they do, people will use their cars.

When we moved here in 1999, the buses were 3 double deckers an hour in each direction.

Then there were 3 an hour plus 2 smaller buses doing circular routes.

Then the DD's became 2 an hour.

Then the circular routes stopped and their route was kind of mangled together with the DDs, making an utter bolls up of a decent system.

Now the DD's are one an hour.

Like this makes sense?

All the time we have been rushing towards the Clean Air Zone here, our buses have been getting less frequent.

I have been saying this to my local council for years. If they want people to greatly reduce their reliance on cars, they need to make public transport:

More affordable.
More reliable.
More frequent.
More safe.

Until they do, people will use their cars.

When we moved here in 1999, the buses were 3 double deckers an hour in each direction.

Then there were 3 an hour plus 2 smaller buses doing circular routes.

Then the DD's became 2 an hour.

Then the circular routes stopped and their route was kind of mangled together with the DDs, making an utter bolls up of a decent system.

Now the DD's are one an hour.

Like this makes sense?

All the time we have been rushing towards the Clean Air Zone here, our buses have been getting less frequent.

I believe local councils have very little control over bus routes. London and now a few other northern cities being the exception.
if could only go off beam now and again and point out there could be some drawbacks to these 'dreams'
Oh, I really wish you would be clear for once and say what you think. I've got no problem at all with different viewpoints but the idea that everything is a conspiracy is hogwash.
How far is it?

For what it's worth that implies that you'd be fine if you were in a 15 minute city scenario as it's further away than 15 minutes travel can get you. Which means you'd be fine to drive more or less as you are.

But yes the bus services in everywhere except London are crap.
7.5 miles by car. And I might not be fine if crossing from one zone to another, would all depend where the boundaries are. Journey home 20 mins in the car vs 1.5 hours in the bus (with a change), no thanks.
Same here:
Take 3 kids for activities twice a week.
By car:
Leave home 16:15
Reach first stop 16:25
Reach second stop 16:45
Reach third stop 16:55.
Get back home 17:10.
Return journey:
Leave home 18:15
First stop 18:25 and wait 5 minutes
Second stop 18:50 and wait 10 minutes
Third stop 19:10
Get back home 19:25

By bus:
Well, there is no chance this could be done, so kids would not do sport.
This is something public transport can't and won't ever be able to replicate, the flexibility of driving your own vehicle. Going from point a to b and back again, fine. Multi point journey, forget it.
7.5 miles by car. And I might not be fine if crossing from one zone to another, would all depend where the boundaries are. Journey home 20 mins in the car vs 1.5 hours in the bus (with a change), no thanks.
Yeah, 7.5 miles is almost twice the size of Oxford. I think you're safe. That sort of journey wouldn't be affected.
Oh, I really wish you would be clear for once and say what you think. I've got no problem at all with different viewpoints but the idea that everything is a conspiracy is hogwash.

Similar to sadiq’s claim that the only people opposing ULEZ are right wing nazis, climate deniers and anti vaxxers. Oh and Tories.

Sounds like the sort of thing a person does when they have lost the argument.
A6 limited edition.
I can sell it out of London for a few coins, but I don't want to.
It's a fantastic machine with everything I want in a car.
Theoretically I could get a disability pass or whatever they call it nowadays.
I never bothered although I have a permanent handicap.
I don't want anything from anyone for a disability that I've always lived with and worked my ways around it.
Most people don't even know I have it.
I guess in today's world I'm mad not to milk the public purse.
Hell of a lot of carbon spent on making that car. How old? Do you do many miles in London?

What you need to be able to keep using it for another 4 years is to have difficulty walking 50 metres, regardless of sticks etc. That has to be reliably, safely, repeatedly as often as a normal person could, at at least half the normal speed.
You would also receive the giddying sum of about £26 week, which wouldn't exactly be the final straw on the economy. It's not means tested. You don't need anything from your doctor, unless they ask. The "interview" is by phone.

As a random citizen I think it would be fairer to go for that, than be forced to cough up £12.50 every time you get in the car. Charging you doesn't reduce the pollution. Serves em right for stupid regs. If you feel guilty you could always drift into a bus lane now and again so you could pay them back.

Get on with it, it takes a while to get the assessment result.
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