Expanded ULEZ

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Why do you think one is not compatible with the other?
Take everyone's freedom of choice away and it could be doable.
Could be like Berlin before the wall came down. Bring it on let's feed those masochists tendencies.
Take everyone's freedom of choice away and it could be doable.
That's just sensationalist. There are many many things that people are not allowed to do for various reasons.
Could be like Berlin before the wall came down. Bring it on let's feed those masochists tendencies.
I don't understand that bit...
They're taxing the air that we breathe, the wheels have been set in motion now for anything goes. Don't expect any criticism from what the schools have been churning out since the eighties, they don't know whether their arze has been bored
or punched. Bit like yourself as in not understanding what I was getting at.
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Bit like yourself as in not understanding what I was getting at.
Ah well, hopefully someone will come along soon who is able to explain what you are on about.

What do you mean "taxing the air that we breathe".
Why do you think one is not compatible with the other?
I didn't say they're incompatible, my underlying point is the Greens always assert not enough is being done and not quickly enough. So it would be interesting to see them in power with a huge majority to see exactly how they would approach things. A kind of 'okay, over to you' experiment.
You not think there's a puritanical streak running through society these days Denso?
These congestion charges are supposed to be about the air quality in our towns and cities and to combat that you have to pay a charge. Not difficult was it for you to put two and two together and come up with the air that we breathe?
You not think there's a puritanical streak running through society these days Denso?
Not really, no.
These congestion charges are supposed to be about the air quality in our towns
So not a tax, and to do with emissions, not a tax on the air we breathe. Sensationalist again...
Not difficult was it for you to put two and two together and come up with the air that we breathe?
It really is too much effort to second guess what you are on about most of the time. Stop blaming others for your inability to explain your thinking coherently...
I didn't say they're incompatible, my underlying point is the Greens always assert not enough is being done and not quickly enough. So it would be interesting to see them in power with a huge majority to see exactly how they would approach things. A kind of 'okay, over to you' experiment.
Greens got a tonking in Finland's general election, the days of seeing them as harmless nutters is no more.
Not really, no.

So not a tax, and to do with emissions, not a tax on the air we breathe. Sensationalist again...

It really is too much effort to second guess what you are on about most of the time. Stop blaming others for your inability to explain your thinking coherently...
No surprise there then in that bubble you inherit.
Greens got a tonking in Finland's general election, the days of seeing them as harmless nutters is no more.
Thankfully the new leader has plenty of green credentials, with his friends at the WEF always around to chip in as required, pmsl....
I often pop down to mum's mid week for a visit after work. It goes something like this:

Car Journey
17.30: Walk out of my house.
17.50: Walk into mums house.

20.00: Walk out of mums house.
20.20: Walk into my house.

A quick look at the bus timetable tells me the journey would be something like this:

Bus Journey
17.30: Leave my house for bus stop.
17.41: Get on bus.
18.21: Get off bus.
18.30: Arrive at mums house.

20.00: Leave mums house for bus stop.
20.16: Get on bus.
20.46: Get off bus.
20.59: Get on another bus.
21.18: Get off bus.
21.25: Arrive at my house.

Summary, by car takes 20 mins door to door and I have approx. 2 hours to natter with mum. By bus I have 1.5 hours to natter, however the journey there takes approx. 60 mins and coming back almost 1.5 hours with a change of bus along the way. Not to mention inclement weather, undesirables that might be hanging about in the evening etc.

And they wonder why, in many day to day scenarios, folk don't want to give up their cars.
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