Expanded ULEZ

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Similar to sadiq’s claim that the only people opposing ULEZ are right wing nazis, climate deniers and anti vaxxers. Oh and Tories.

Sounds like the sort of thing a person does when they have lost the argument.
You mean generally - those on the right?

Seems a fair assumption.
Seema Malhotra, Jon Cruddas, Siobhain McDonagh and Abena Oppong-Asare all opose ULEZ expansion - do you think they are right wing Tories?

You do understand that you can be right of the extreme left and not be right wing.
Sounds like the sort of thing a person does when they have lost the argument.
There is no argument from the usual suspects on here, that's the problem. Like the comments on this thread about cars being banned. It's nonsense at best and sensationalist lying at worst.
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Similar to sadiq’s claim that the only people opposing ULEZ are right wing nazis, climate deniers and anti vaxxers.
Got a link to that? If I have found the correct quote then you are being dishonest.
...In a way, it would be interesting to see just how the Greens would run the country if they were in power, trying to find the balance between economic growth whilst meeting environmental targets.
Which is why they only have one MP in the HoC. The Greenies do well enough at council level but to proceed with a full-on Green agenda would bring chaos to the UK economy...unless it's adopted gradually. It's a shame we can't rid ourselves of the FPTP and enable a system to allow a greater chance for coalitions to work together rather than pitting one side against another.
Despite Gant gloating about a conservative victory in Finland's election the margins were so small a coalition is the only reasonable way for their government to function, allowing Green policies a chance to be heard in their parliament.
Hell of a lot of carbon spent on making that car. How old? Do you do many miles in London?

What you need to be able to keep using it for another 4 years is to have difficulty walking 50 metres, regardless of sticks etc. That has to be reliably, safely, repeatedly as often as a normal person could, at at least half the normal speed.
You would also receive the giddying sum of about £26 week, which wouldn't exactly be the final straw on the economy. It's not means tested. You don't need anything from your doctor, unless they ask. The "interview" is by phone.

As a random citizen I think it would be fairer to go for that, than be forced to cough up £12.50 every time you get in the car. Charging you doesn't reduce the pollution. Serves em right for stupid regs. If you feel guilty you could always drift into a bus lane now and again so you could pay them back.

Get on with it, it takes a while to get the assessment result.
Thanks for this.
I'm in the middle of the proposed ulez expansion, so no escape from that.
I don't think that disabled people are exempt, I think they get £2k scrap money for their car but not sure, will check.
You make it sound simple and to be frank, I never applied to disability handouts because I hate paperwork and people treating others with suspicion (I suppose the examiners do this).
Sounds like motorbiking and rac know they have lost the argument.
If anyone should be well up on the ULEZ it’s JohnD. He's up in London a hundred times a year.
He's just trolling as usual.

"you are in coalition with covid deniers... you are in collation with the far right... you in collation with vaccine deniers". Of course that is not true.

But it was a claim made by Sadiq Khan - Is he a liar @JohnD

I'm none of the above and am against the ULEZ expansion for the following reasons.
- There is weak evidence it will significantly reduce pollution/emissions
- It taxes those who've had no representation
- it classes as dirty many vehicles which are very clean and efficient, but just happened to be registered before Sep-2015
- He rigged the consultation
- its been rolled out during a difficult economic climate and will destroy businesses and livelihoods
- He wrongly argues it will help climate change
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The video is from the peoples question time.

Either Sadiq is a liar or JohnD doesn't know what being in a coalition means.

The reality is that many people from all political sides are against the expansion, but they have not formed a coalition with racists and idiots. What we are seeing is typical leftie politics. If you don't agree with me you must be a right wing extremist.

Even Trigger (Noseall) managed to get that nugget.
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