Expanded ULEZ

Or this one

That would rip up Khan's approach too.
"...diesel vehicles are at least five times greater than those associated with petrol vehicles, and around 20 times greater than battery electric vehicles."

And it's not peer reviewed. So who's after funding and fame there I wonder. It doesn't give or refer to any figures from which the headlines are drawn.
So who checked it?
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Which report was that? I had a quick look but didn't find it
Khant own report, the one we paid for with out taxes.
The midget commissioned it thinking to be able to bribe the people doing it but he failed.
They came back with the truth: ulez is a scam, making negligible difference to air quality.
Khant own report, the one we paid for with out taxes.
The midget commissioned it thinking to be able to bribe the people doing it but he failed.
They came back with the truth: ulez is a scam, making negligible difference to air quality.
Got a link? I haven't see any that said it was a scam. I saw one which was full of crap, but that's not quite the same :).
Khant own report, the one we paid for with out taxes.
The midget commissioned it thinking to be able to bribe the people doing it but he failed.
They came back with the truth: ulez is a scam, making negligible difference to air quality.
Where is it though? The inner ULEZ reports were quite positive.

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Where is it though? The inner ULEZ reports were quite positive.

I noted from that:
"with 94.4 per cent of vehicles seen driving in the zone on an average day meeting the ULEZ standards a year following the expansion. This is an increase from just 39 per cent when the expansion was announced in 2017."

Khan says in outer London it's already 85% iirc. I don't believe the figure for various reasons, but 85 to 94.4 is 9.4%, 39 to 94.4 is 55.4%.
That's just ~one sixth the difference. Hmmm. He says things improved by ~ 23 %, so maybe it would give 3-4%. Complicated by area overlaps.
You are quoting figures from studies that are designed to reinforce the need for ULEZ.

ULEZ is a tax, nothing more & nothing less. You are confusing the issue by trying to decipher the complex reasons why this tax is or is not justified.

It is a tax, it is nothing more & it is nothing less.
You are quoting figures from studies that are designed to reinforce the need for ULEZ.

ULEZ is a tax, nothing more & nothing less. You are confusing the issue by trying to decipher the complex reasons why this tax is or is not justified.

It is a tax, it is nothing more & it is nothing less.
Yes I realise what the studies were for.

Not entirely a tax - he thinks it'll win him brownie points, and even votes, the prat.
I'm not trying to decipher . I know it's daft, end of.
Got a link? I haven't see any that said it was a scam. I saw one which was full of crap, but that's not quite the same :).
Here you'll find all basic info of the scam and names of studies.
Then Google will direct you to the full papers.

Ah, here.

So it'll make a moderate difference to vehicle pollution but a small difference to overall pollution as there are more sources than just vehicles.

It's an interesting report to read, they are not uniformly praising it, which is always a nice thing to see in a review for a policy. It shows at least a basic level of honesty in the process.
Ah, here.

So it'll make a moderate difference to vehicle pollution but a small difference to overall pollution as there are more sources than just vehicles.

It's an interesting report to read, they are not uniformly praising it, which is always a nice thing to see in a review for a policy. It shows at least a basic level of honesty in the process.
Only read a bit so far.
I noted
" Lorries, specialist heavy vehicles or vans (over 3.5 tonnes) and
buses, minibuses, and coaches (over 5 tonnes) do not need to pay the ULEZ charge." which seems odd.

Table 1 has a remarkable number of "negligible benefit" comments though, as well as
"moderate negative impact" on a number of groups.

As an aside, some time I intend to look up details for the particulates coming from brakes and tyres
Drove from my house in north Bristol to Bristol Airport on Monday. The council have put a spike outwards from the central area for their ulezzer zone boundary to catch those travelling along dual carriageway that goes under the Suspension Bridge. This route is nowhere near central Bristol, but their zone area spike will catch lots more motorists who are crossing from M5/N. Bristol to airport or south to W S Mare. To save the 9 quid I took the long way around. Burnt a bit more diesel, but definitely still in profit by enough for a pint of Doom. Anyway, would rather burn £20 of diesel than give the £9 to the council. Forces people like me to pollute more to save a bit. Robbing b'stards! :evil:
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Drove from my house in north Bristol to Bristol Airport on Monday. The council have put a spike outwards from the central area for their ulezzer zone boundary to catch those travelling along dual carriageway that goes under the Suspension Bridge. This route is nowhere near central Bristol, but their zone area spike will catch lots more motorists who are crossing from M5/N. Bristol to airport or south to W S Mare. To save the 9 quid I took the long way around. Burnt a bit more diesel, but definitely still in profit by enough for a pint of Doom. Anyway, would rather burn £20 of diesel than give the £9 to the council. Forces people like me to pollute more to save a bit. Robbing b'stards! :evil:
Yep we noticed that when visiting my grandson in the childerens hospital, luckily if your a hospital visitor your excempt, there is a terminal inside where you put in your reg no, so next time you want to go into town make a diversion to the hospital first
Drove from my house in north Bristol to Bristol Airport on Monday. The council have put a spike outwards from the central area for their ulezzer zone boundary to catch those travelling along dual carriageway that goes under the Suspension Bridge. This route is nowhere near central Bristol, but their zone area spike will catch lots more motorists who are crossing from M5/N. Bristol to airport or south to W S Mare. To save the 9 quid I took the long way around. Burnt a bit more diesel, but definitely still in profit by enough for a pint of Doom. Anyway, would rather burn £20 of diesel than give the £9 to the council. Forces people like me to pollute more to save a bit. Robbing b'stards! :evil:

Reminds me of a choanocyte feeding, Or an orrible low-life with peritrichous flagella casting about for food.

You know, like E. Coli, or Salmonella,


Comin to getcha soon
View attachment 301441

Reminds me of a choanocyte feeding, Or an orrible low-life with peritrichous flagella casting about for food.

You know, like E. Coli, or Salmonella,


Comin to getcha soon


Spot on! Just about sums up the council these days, a parasitic infestation feeding off of the host body - ie. the poor taxpayer. You can see the 'spike' I was on about by Bower Ashton with two tentacles to entrap those who are nowhere near the city centre, but just trying to travel from north of the city southwards along the river. Another longer, grabbing tentacle heads northwards along the river under the bridge up to Clifton Down.

My evasive manouvres have managed to dodge the council's cash-sucking clutches so far. No doubt when they expand the zone it will be game over.
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