Expanded ULEZ

Well, I'm glad to report that all cameras around my area have been disabled.
The ones at the border entrance have been covered with expanding foam, the others have the cable cut.
Well done to the robin hoods of 2023.

Did you get the scoundrels in to do it? :D
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in some areas 90% of the cameras have gone.

But people will pay anyway. They only need to keep this up until khan is up for election.
in some areas 90% of the cameras have gone.

But people will pay anyway. They only need to keep this up until khan is up for election.
I've registered for autopay but when passing a camera I open the boot, it's electric so it can be open from inside.
The number plate cannot be read by the camera.
And if for any reason it reads the front plate, I'll contest it so to make them work to get pictures.
With autopay i'll avoid the £180 robbery, but I'll make them work.
In the meantime I've decided to do a couple of handyman jobs a week when I use yhe car and charge customers the khant tax.
In my invoice I will specifically call it "Khan tax on working class".
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In the meantime I've decided to do a couple of handyman jobs a week when I use yhe car and charge customers the khant tax.
In my invoice I will specifically call it "Khan tax on working class"

Environmentally friendly vehicles are cheaper for the consumer after all.
What a load of rubbish. You set budgets and priorities. Simples.
You set strategic direction, and allocate as best you can the available budget to achieve those strategic objectives.
You can't operate on the day to day operation of the Police. That is down to the Chief Constable, who has to operate within the budget allocated

But 70% of the London police financing is provided by Central Government, i.e. the Home Office.
30% is from the London Assembly.

Hoiwever, the Home Office has cut the Police Budget by about £1Billion over the last four or five years, meaning any shortfall has to be met by the London Assembly, (including terror related acts and catastrophes, and subsequent infrastructre and process changes), or some 'policing' simply isn't done.
The Home Office does not release the criteria on which it bases its funding for London police.
Police wage increases are not funded by the Home Office.

The only source of income for the London police via the London Assembly is Council Tax. Any rises in Council Tax is strictly controlled by Central Government.
So we have a system where the London Police is mostly funded by the Home office, who do not fund extraordinary events.
They also control the way, and by how much the London Mayor is allowed to raise funds to fund their 30% of Police funding.

I'd say that puts the Home Office very frimly in control of funding for London police, and therefore the effectiveness of the operation of the London Police.

I'd be pleased to hear your rational argument, rather than your simple dismal as "Rubbish".
If fruit cake khan wants to do some thing remotely useful for Londoners
Perhaps he could apply some thought about sorting out the
12,000 plus knife crimes / offences carried out in his capital in the last 12 months ???
Crime is fought by the police. If the funding is reduced, (about £1 Billion over the last five years or so) what do you expect to happen?

It isn't only the remit of the Mayor of London:
As a result, tackling knife crime is now a top priority for the UK government via the Violent Crime Strategy (HM Government, 2018); the Metropolitan Police and the Violent Crime Task Force (VCTF); and for the London Mayor via his London Knife Crime Strategy (MOPAC, 2017).

But it is a convenient rod with which to beat the Mayor, and not the government if you're that way inclined.
You can check how many camera are down on juliesmaps on Facebook on the ULEZ Camera Locations page seem plenty are working on overtime after dark in the south east.
Funding has stopped. Let's see how many councils propose new LTNs. Daft idea that people now realise is a daft idea. Might as well call them NIMBY zones, because that is what they are. We cannot expect to drive cars and also all live in low traffic neighbourhoods.
Unless of course you live in the real world and have kids etc and dont want continual traffic and bad driving outside your house. Limited traffic routes alters that.
The polls are a perfect insight to human nature.

people drive too much, but we don't want the government to force us to change.
people like the sound of the things we are promised, but not the look of the Northern Ireland troubles style road blocks.
who doesn't want cleaner air, less traffic noise etc.
but nobody wants to sit in traffic jams caused by road blocks.

The pandemic has done a great job at delivering the benefits without much cost. pre-pandemic I was 80% office based for the months I worked. Now I can work remotely and can do calls anywhere in the world. I reckon my business mileage has dropped by 80% too.
So being encouraged not to travel has helped reduce your emissions?

Who would have expected that
You won't encourage the general population to behave environmentally conscientiously, unless there are penalties for not doing so.

I remember no so long back when one use supermarket bags were banned and replaced with a 5p levy or bring your own re-useable bags. There was uproar. Also not so long back, councils made the decision to force people to separate their waste and only collect certain bins on certain weeks. Again, there was uproar.

Thems darn sarf will catch on, and decide its better to get rid of those old bangers after all.
There was uproar. Also not so long back, councils made the decision to force people to separate their waste and only collect certain bins on certain weeks. Again, there was uproar.

I don't know if it is still the case, but Sutton Coldfield were still putting bin bags out more than a decade after us scutters had wheelie bins.

Made me chuckle when the gilded streets were strewn with scraps, after the foxes had had their fill of fun :whistle:
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