Expanded ULEZ

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... there are some on display in safe places and the white middle class apologists haven't torn down their openly displayed slave trader statues.
... I saw first hand the good work that had been done by the anti-ULEZ mob to a camera down the lanes. Keep up the good work lads.
Another one whose opinion of damage depends on his politics.
Criminal damage of public street furniture is either to be condemned, or not. You can't pick and choose which damage you condemn. and which you support.
You think 2030 is too little time to adapt to the Green economy, demanded by Climate Change?
I'm not referring to wider overall strategic aims, I'm referring to any change/transition that directly impacts the public but doesn't necessarily afford enough time for the majority to make whatever change.
Another one whose opinion of damage depends on his politics.
Criminal damage of public street furniture is either to be condemned, or not. You can't pick and choose which damage you condemn. and which you support.
Posting in support of criminal behaviour, of any kind, can lead to the police investigating you to see if there are any links they could follow in their investigation.
As Michael Caine would say, "Not a lot of people know that."
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I'm not referring to wider overall strategic aims, I'm referring to any change/transition that directly impacts the public but doesn't necessarily afford enough time for the majority to make whatever change.
It looks to me as though the expansion has followed similar timelines.

It's been introduced in totality, in London, in phases:
First introduced: Announced 2015, introduced 2017, Changed to LEZ 2019.
First extension introduced 2021
Second extension Announced 2022, introduced 2023

In 2017 in Birmingham, the EU warned Birmingham it had to act by 2020.
In 2019 UK government approved the introduction of the ULEZ in Birmingham for 2020.
The introduction was only delayed due to Covid.

Noricably, the government approved the ULEZ for Birmingham, but are now objecting to the London expansion. :rolleyes:
Posting in support of criminal behaviour, of any kind, can lead to the police investigating you to see if there are any links they could follow in their investigation.
As Michael Caine would say, "Not a lot of people know that."
Mottie and motorbiking had better start curtain twitiching when there's a knock on the door.
It looks to me as though the expansion has followed similar timelines.

It's been introduced in totality, in London, in phases:
First introduced: Announced 2015, introduced 2017, Changed to LEZ 2019.
First extension introduced 2021
Second extension Announced 2022, introduced 2023

In 2017 in Birmingham, the EU warned Birmingham it had to act by 2020.
In 2019 UK government approved the introduction of the ULEZ in Birmingham for 2020.
The introduction was only delayed due to Covid.

Noricably, the government approved the ULEZ for Birmingham, but are now objecting to the London expansion. :rolleyes:
It's timescales like the bit I've put in bold that I'd challenge. I'm not sure what minimum timescale I would apply, however to me ~12 months isn't sufficient if a person/family/business need to plan to change vehicles, the financial implications etc. It's the same old story where money's involved. For some it'll be no big deal (financially) to change vehicles, for others it'll be a major challenge.
It's timescales like the bit I've put in bold that I'd challenge. I'm not sure what minimum timescale I would apply, however to me ~12 months isn't sufficient if a person/family/business need to plan to change vehicles, the financial implications etc. It's the same old story where money's involved. For some it'll be no big deal (financially) to change vehicles, for others it'll be a major challenge.
It seems to me they're trying to catch up with earlier, broken, promises made to do something about the effects of overcrowded transport in cities and are now making a quick grab to finance the initiatives they intend to put in place...but y'all had fair warning for years, so best get crackin'.
If fruit cake khan wants to do some thing remotely useful for Londoners
Perhaps he could apply some thought about sorting out the
12,000 plus knife crimes / offences carried out in his capital in the last 12 months ???

And if does not have a scooby best advised he sends a working party to El Salvador and talk to there president
If fruit cake khan wants to do some thing remotely useful for Londoners
Perhaps he could apply some thought about sorting out the
12,000 plus knife crimes / offences carried out in his capital in the last 12 months ???
Didn't one of this current news cycle's favourite villains, Mayor Rudy Guiliani, make a dramatic change in the crime rates of NYC with a policy of ZERO TOLERENCE?
If fruit cake khan wants to do some thing remotely useful for Londoners
Perhaps he could apply some thought about sorting out the
12,000 plus knife crimes / offences carried out in his capital in the last 12 months ???
The London mayor is only responsible for the strategic direction of policing in London, not for its operation.
The Home Secratary is responsible for its financing.
So it doesn't really matter what the strategic direction is decided if the funds do not allow its implementation.
The London mayor is only responsible for the strategic direction of policing in London, not for its operation.
The Home Secratary is responsible for its financing.
So it doesn't really matter what the strategic direction is decided if the funds do not allow its implementation.
What a load of rubbish. You set budgets and priorities. Simples.
That khan recently pulled an official photo / image from some of his promotional bumpf after numerous complaints

Blamed its inclusion on a staffer who made a mistake

Image was of a mother and father Walking with there two children on a foot path

Caption was

These people don’t represent Londoners

Or words to the effect

the pic depicted a white non gay non trans mummy and daddy and two white children
Well, I'm glad to report that all cameras around my area have been disabled.
The ones at the border entrance have been covered with expanding foam, the others have the cable cut.
Well done to the robin hoods of 2023.
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