Faith vs Function

kendor said:
It is flagrantly obvious from your posts that you are a racist BNP supporter and you come on here merely to spout your filth here and try to disrupt what was once a peaceful place to come and chat.
Like it do you?

I love you to. :)
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Kendor said:
I said quite categorically above that any workman would abide by my rules if he wished to receive my custom, that says it plain and simple.
What has health and safety got to do with it?
A workman cann comply with house rules and still not break any health and safety rules.

He can comply only if the house rules don't conflict with safety requirements. If one of your house rules is shoes off, then it conflicts and so health and safety at work will be the deciding rules. This applies at all places of work. If it is a workman in your house, it is a place of work in that respect.
Freddie said:
They dont have BNP in the country where i live and i cant vote in the UK
oilman said:
Kendor said:
I said quite categorically above that any workman would abide by my rules if he wished to receive my custom, that says it plain and simple.
What has health and safety got to do with it?
A workman cann comply with house rules and still not break any health and safety rules.

He can comply only if the house rules don't conflict with safety requirements. If one of your house rules is shoes off, then it conflicts and so health and safety at work will be the deciding rules. This applies at all places of work. If it is a workman in your house, it is a place of work in that respect.
safety shoes are PPE which as anyone in health and safety will know is to be used only when all other avenues of making the job safe are unsuccessful. therefore what justification is there to wear safety shoes in a domestic environment?
nails may be a problem if sticking up in the air but in carpeted areas that would be extremely unusual (unless the owner of the house has laid a trap for you ;) ) in a loft i might expect that sort of thing but that doesn't mean you have to put the shoes/boots on until you are in the loft.
there again you should survey the area first to look for any hazards prior to commencing work.
Health and Safety is common sense most of the time, the rules are not there to be prohibitive to getting a job done or indeed a necessity if proper common sense prevails.
just to recap PPE is not mandatory unless circumstances justify it's use.
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Kendor wrote,
just to recap PPE is not mandatory unless circumstances justify it's use.
Say that to a site agent or safety officer and you would get laughed off site!! Toetectors are compulsory on 99.9% of sites and hardhats are much the same, high viz gear is going that way too, all whether you like it or not. The sign at the gate, with words to the effect, No Boots, No Hardhat, No Work, means just that.

Risk assessments do not cover the unforeseen either.

Why not look at this from another perspective. We are all expected to respect each other etc, so why don't they respect us and except that we like to wear shoes?

Is it not about time integration issue became a two way street?
Years ago when I was corgi /bow-wow

I did work for SATAN =Bgas..

we were given the very bad ends of council estates , servicing work ,boiler/ cooker/ an the most horrible the Gas fire ....

WHATS all this about foot wear you might add

well in the 80s
the Bgas gave out these slipper type things for boots ,
like a plastic boot ,
well we loved them
as we told the scummy mother with her
8 children sh*tting all over the floors ,

but it was to stop the scabies an fleas an standing in dog/cat human poo..

Well the boiler got done as quick as front off an back on ,
the cooker turned on /off ,

right but the fire ...uuuurgh

They never Worked ......

So it was plastic sheeting all over the front room
an then light cotton twill

an then heavy cotton twill sheets ,

as you were forced to kneel in the scum ,
an many a time I took a distribution gas lads (if working in the street )hose in an blasted the fire after front removed ,lol ,
an 9/10 it was sound with a bit of smoke blown up the chimney with air hose they were only council houses ,lol
When my Brother worked for NTL - he was fitting cable boxes in peoples homes. He told me that whenever he went to a muslim home he was asked to remove his boots.
Initially he did, but he said that many of the houses he visited were very dirty and didn't want to walk on the floors in his socks! he started refusing to take his boots off......they still let him in though, the need for the cable box obviously outweighed the need for following tradition!
securespark said:
I have been asked to remove shoes, but only for estimating etcetera, not for actual work. They understand it is unreasonable to ask me to work without caps.

I reckon that explains it best. You've got to be protected against damaging yourself, it's not worth the risk to yourself or your earnings.

I think now would be a good time to explain why I don't have any issues with Islam itself (although I abhor all terrorists, islamic or otherwise): my oldest friend is a muslim. I've known the guy since I was 11 years old.

Why is that relevant? Well, I always remove my shoes when I enter their house, but on occasions when I have just been picking him up to go for a coffee he tells me not to bother. As British muslims they have found a compromise between islamic tradition and practicality by deciding that shoes in the hallway are fine. I know WASPs who are far more anal about shoes in the house than my islamic friend and his family. :LOL: I'm going to a dinner party in an Anglo-Saxons household next week where are eating in a gazebo because they are scared of damaging their new dining room carpet... A dinner party where they are afraid to use the dining room :LOL:

Now, my friend is a devout Sunhi Muslim. But he has no issues with Salman Rushdie, Jews, and was duely respectful of the Christian assemblies at my (non-church) school. He didn't sing along with the Christian hymns, but he respected the religion by standing up when we did and sitting when we did.

And his mum is a great cook... in fact, I think I might have to drop in and find out what she is cooking at some point next week :LOL:
Freddie said:
They dont have BNP in the country where i live and i cant vote in the UK and it would be very hard or maybe dangerous to be a racist in the way that you mean here aswell :)

As you are in Eire, that reminds me of the episode of "Father Ted" where the Chinese family comes to visit and all sorts of unfortunate shennanigans take place that make Father Ted appear to be racist and the old lady believes this means the Catholic Church has decreed all catholics must now be racist :LOL:

Doesn't Eire have an equivalent? Or are all the nationalistic/racist elements aimed at the British?
kendor said: shoes are PPE which as anyone in health and safety will know is to be used only when all other avenues of making the job safe are unsuccessful. therefore what justification is there to wear safety shoes in a domestic environment? ...........

I haven't mentioned "safety shoes" (as far as I can see), I mentioned "shoes". It's not a matter of steel toecaps, a bigger problem is grip. Walking across polished wooden floors is positively dangerous with only socks on, and worse, decending uncarpeted wooden stairs.

This shoe removing is a working class thing. When I go to the houses of what WAS described as middle classes or upper classes (not today's pretenders' definitions) they don't expect people to remove shoes, and if there's any dirt comes in, the cleaner will take care of it.
AdamW said:
Freddie said:
They dont have BNP in the country where i live and i cant vote in the UK and it would be very hard or maybe dangerous to be a racist in the way that you mean here aswell :)

As you are in Eire, that reminds me of the episode of "Father Ted" where the Chinese family comes to visit and all sorts of unfortunate shennanigans take place that make Father Ted appear to be racist and the old lady believes this means the Catholic Church has decreed all catholics must now be racist :LOL:

Doesn't Eire have an equivalent? Or are all the nationalistic/racist elements aimed at the British?

I liked the one where he is on the beach and and a priest comes along and he says ---feck off you pervert ! :LOL: -----which is very true :LOL:

Yes they have the equivelent here Adasm they are called--Sien Fein !!!!!! all against the Brits, but they dont get much support it was growing but the robbed too many banks :LOL:
david and julie said:
Kendor wrote,
just to recap PPE is not mandatory unless circumstances justify it's use.
Say that to a site agent or safety officer and you would get laughed off site!! Toetectors are compulsory on 99.9% of sites and hardhats are much the same, high viz gear is going that way too, all whether you like it or not. The sign at the gate, with words to the effect, No Boots, No Hardhat, No Work, means just that.

Risk assessments do not cover the unforeseen either.

Why not look at this from another perspective. We are all expected to respect each other etc, so why don't they respect us and except that we like to wear shoes?

Is it not about time integration issue became a two way street?
the key word in your reply was sites and due to numerous hazards in this environment i'd agree with you that PPE is necessary, but my point was levelled at the necessity for such PPE in a domestic environment, as mentioned by yourself high vis gear and hardhats would you wear those as a matter of course aswell in someone's house?
JulieL said:
When my Brother worked for NTL - he was fitting cable boxes in peoples homes. He told me that whenever he went to a muslim home he was asked to remove his boots.
Initially he did, but he said that many of the houses he visited were very dirty and didn't want to walk on the floors in his socks! he started refusing to take his boots off......they still let him in though, the need for the cable box obviously outweighed the need for following tradition!
it's not the shoes/boots themselves that are offending it's bringing in unclean elements into what is considered a blessed house. therefore if one feels happier to wear them then a simple overshoe would suffice.
regardless of how dirty a home may be don't you think it's common courtesy to respect someone elses home this extends to clearing up after oneself etc.
kendor said:
JulieL said:
When my Brother worked for NTL - he was fitting cable boxes in peoples homes. He told me that whenever he went to a muslim home he was asked to remove his boots.
Initially he did, but he said that many of the houses he visited were very dirty and didn't want to walk on the floors in his socks! he started refusing to take his boots off......they still let him in though, the need for the cable box obviously outweighed the need for following tradition!
it's not the shoes/boots themselves that are offending it's bringing in unclean elements into what is considered a blessed house.

On a serious point Kendor being as you know about these people --could it be that shoes have /were and are made from pig skin in various countries and the laces were sometimes made from gut???
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