Faith vs Function

Freddie said:
kendor said:
JulieL said:
When my Brother worked for NTL - he was fitting cable boxes in peoples homes. He told me that whenever he went to a muslim home he was asked to remove his boots.
Initially he did, but he said that many of the houses he visited were very dirty and didn't want to walk on the floors in his socks! he started refusing to take his boots off......they still let him in though, the need for the cable box obviously outweighed the need for following tradition!
it's not the shoes/boots themselves that are offending it's bringing in unclean elements into what is considered a blessed house.

On a serious point Kendor being as you know about these people --could it be that shoes have /were and are made from pig skin in various countries and the laces were sometimes made from gut???
vry possible? perhaps if you could prove the boots are manmade material then there would be no problem?
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No idea on the whys and wherefores of the "requirement" to remove shoes - maybe like the dietary and burial laws (which Jews and Muslims share) it dates back to a Middle Eastern climate and no refrigeration.

But whatever - if that's what someone wants you should consider respecting their wishes. Just remember there is danger, even if you are only there to scope & price the job. Walking round your own home you can stub and break a toe, so in an unfamiliar one....
ban-all-sheds said:
No idea on the whys and wherefores of the "requirement" to remove shoes - maybe like the dietary and burial laws (which Jews and Muslims share) it dates back to a Middle Eastern climate and no refrigeration.

But whatever - if that's what someone wants you should consider respecting their wishes. Just remember there is danger, even if you are only there to scope & price the job. Walking round your own home you can stub and break a toe, so in an unfamiliar one....
If a risk assessment decides that there is no alternative, then the overshoes mentioned would be a diplomatic way around the problem. the last bit raises an interesting point, does it mean salesmen should wear totectors when they enter someone's house?
Normal shoes, or even carpet slippers would be enough protection against toe stubbing - it might still hurt but you won't snap anything.
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kendor said:
JulieL said:
When my Brother worked for NTL - he was fitting cable boxes in peoples homes. He told me that whenever he went to a muslim home he was asked to remove his boots.
Initially he did, but he said that many of the houses he visited were very dirty and didn't want to walk on the floors in his socks! he started refusing to take his boots off......they still let him in though, the need for the cable box obviously outweighed the need for following tradition!
it's not the shoes/boots themselves that are offending it's bringing in unclean elements into what is considered a blessed house. therefore if one feels happier to wear them then a simple overshoe would suffice.
regardless of how dirty a home may be don't you think it's common courtesy to respect someone elses home this extends to clearing up after oneself etc.

Of course it's common courtesy to clean up after you've finished working - where did I say he didn't do that? :confused:
He did tell me that in one house in particular there was human and animal excrement all over the hall and lounge where he was working - quite frankly I wouldn't remove my boots either if I had to go into a house like that either (I would have used latex gloves aswell ;) )!

In my own experience of doing home visits to people - I have also been into some similar houses where you can't find a space to walk on the floor without standing in something 'nasty'! :eek:
The streets outside are often cleaner! :eek:
i wouldn't have done the job full stop if a house was in that state.
i did mention extends as a general comment and not specific to your comment.
walk away for these jobs if the customer wants the job done they cant dictate what you wear

how do u asses the risk ? what if you drop a hammer or a driver on your foot you cant asses any risk that is why we wear safety gear

just move to next job loads out there who wants a customer dictating your working practices

Yikes!!!!!!!!! I agree with slogger. :eek: Must take a reality check. :confused:
This is why a prenuptual agreement is required... my parents agreed that

1) My mum would clean up the mess made by the babies and
2) My dad would clean up the mess made by animals (including dead/semi-dead offerings made by cats) and remove spiders and vermin if encountered.

Would suit me fine: no problem with cleaning up a disembowelled starling, but the thought of mopping up human poo is just gross.
AdamW said:
the thought of mopping up human poo is just gross.

Nowt to it Adam.....once you've done it a few times! ;) :LOL: :LOL:

But lets say you had a partner who becomes ill/unable to care for themselves and can't wipe their own bum.........would you do it then? :)

If Dave became ill this kind of care wouldn't bother me at all (been there, done that, got the tee shirt etc) - but the thought of him doing this for me is not acceptable to me.......when the time comes I'd sooner go in a home.......!! :oops:
JulieL said:
AdamW said:
the thought of mopping up human poo is just gross.

Nowt to it Adam.....once you've done it a few times! ;) :LOL: :LOL:

But lets say you had a partner who becomes ill/unable to care for themselves and can't wipe their own bum.........would you do it then? :)

If Dave became ill this kind of care wouldn't bother me at all (been there, done that, got the tee shirt etc) - but the thought of him doing this for me is not acceptable to me.......when the time comes I'd sooner go in a home.......!! :oops:

Julie i popped a disc in my back in 2001 and it got so bad i couldnt wipe my backside so my miss's had to clean me up in the shower---( you know the results of a slipped disc and how bad it can be )

If i am honest i dont think i could do it for her i would find it very off putting anything else but that. I found it extremely degrading for me but the spasms and pain was so bad i just wanted to lie down again quickly, so it was either that or dont bother, i dont know what i would have done without her
Freddie said:
i dont know what i would have done without her

What a nice thing to say about your wife! :)

I hope you told her that you couldn't have done without her! :) go and buy her a big bunch of flowers tomorrow! ;) :)
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