Faith vs Function

JulieL said:
Freddie said:
i dont know what i would have done without her

What a nice thing to say about your wife! :)

I hope you told her that you couldn't have done without her! :) go and buy her a big bunch of flowers tomorrow! ;) :)

No cause she used to take the pee out of me.
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Freddie said:
Well what posses's a girl to shove that behind her bottom drawer in a chest of drawers i dont know

Probably back in the days when parents didn't talk to their children about things like periods, and she was ashamed when they started. You'd have thought she'd have found an opportunity to smuggle it out in her schoolbag though, wouldn't you.

With regards to Adam's bit about Dead Starlings, on three occasions I've found birds on the lawn which have been too badly decomposed to pick up properly. Because the time spacing between each incident was so great, I came up with the idea on all three occasions that I could solve it by 'hoovering' them up with Flymo. I can now verify that, on all three occasions, this was NOT the solution.......
JulieL said:
But lets say you had a partner who becomes ill/unable to care for themselves and can't wipe their own bum.........would you do it then? :)

Oh, of course I would. I have complied with several requests to assist in the removal of tampons and have also cleaned up sick and blood (not related to the tampons!) when it has been required.

But baby poo... it's just so stinky!

I've heard that having kids strips you of many inhibitions towards clearing up mess. Not being a parent I have never had to clear something like that up, but the maternal nature never ceases to amaze me.
AdamW said:
JulieL said:
But lets say you had a partner who becomes ill/unable to care for themselves and can't wipe their own bum.........would you do it then? :)

Oh, of course I would. I have complied with several requests to assist in the removal of tampons and have also cleaned up sick and blood (not related to the tampons!) when it has been required.

But baby poo... it's just so stinky!

Blimey Adam.......Why would you be asked to remove tampons? :eek:

Trust me, adult poo is far more 'stinky poo' than babies!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
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Julie L /burchill

regardinging cleaning up after parents is far worse ..

I was detached to work on a High pressure sewer mains cleaner , on my Apprenticeship with my old water board , we were made to scramble down fluss drains on major roads an blast big lumps of poo/white fat deposits,not with these new jets but in the day it was a piece of copper squashed and melted to a half/ " rubber hosepipe .... all trickle no force ..
we had shovels an stiff brushes to *mash it *..lovely ..