Final proof, The labour party are anti semitic

are you jewish yourself watson ?

No, just interested in the truth, I started this thread because the conference reaction was conclusive proof to me that the labour party are anti semitic, and that also means to me anti jewish.

I don't care what their beliefs are either way, but just lets all know the truth.
I started this thread because the conference reaction was conclusive proof to me that the labour party are anti semitic, and that also means to me anti jewish.
Are you saying there are some Jews which are not semitic?
There are certainly semitic people who are not Jewish.

Is being against the treatment of the muslims in Myanmar (which Corbyn also mentioned) being anti-buddhist?
No, just interested in the truth, I started this thread because the conference reaction was conclusive proof to me that the labour party are anti semitic, and that also means to me anti jewish.

I don't care what their beliefs are either way, but just lets all know the truth.
You seem kinda gullible. Do you suppose the Earth is flat?

What have the Labour party done in terms of anti-Semitic political activity?
Here it is . FF to 1.03.00

"Democracy and human rights are not an optional extra to be deployed selectively" (Applause)
"So we cannot be silent at the cruel Saudi war in Yemen or continue to supply arms to Saudi Arabia" (Applause)
"Or the crushing of democracy in Egypt or Bahrain" (Applause)
"Or the tragic loss of life in the Congo, which the media very seldom bother to report" (Applause)
"And I say this today (quiet) ...champion of democracy... do all you can, now, to end the violence against the Rohindra in Myanamar..." (Applause)
"And allow the United Nations and international aid agencies...(quiet)... the Rahindra have suffered for too long"(Applause)
"We should stand firm for peaceful crisis"
"Let's tone down the rhetoric and back dialogue and negotiation...wind down this deeply dangerous confrontation over the Korean peninsular" (Applause)
"And I appeal to the United Nations General Secretary and (Tony ???) to use the authority of his office to go to Washington and to go to (?Pyong Yang?) to kick-start that essential process of dialogue (Applause)
"And let's give real support to end the oppression of (the) Palestinian people" (Applause)
"The fifty-year occupation and the illegal settlement expansion... and move to a genuine two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict" (Applause)
"Britain's voice needs to be heard independently in the world and we must be a candid friend of the United States now, more than ever" (muttering)
"The values we share are not served by building walls" (Applause)
"Banning immigrants on the basis of religion; polluting the planet; or pandering to racism" (Applause)
"And let me say frankly, conference, the speech made by the United States President to the UN last week was disturbing" (Applause)

I can't see that as an anti-Semitic speech.

It is however a speech which draws attention to various matters which he considers injustices and errors by various foreign states.

I can't help noticing that you are offended both by applause which you think too loud, and by applause you think too quiet. I feel you are projecting your own interpretation.

"Conclusive proof?" I think not.
Bye bye......

How predictable.
No, just interested in the truth, I started this thread because the conference reaction was conclusive proof to me that the labour party are anti semitic, and that also means to me anti jewish.

I don't care what their beliefs are either way, but just lets all know the truth.

I think it's you trying to connect the dots to fit your own agenda which you can then get others to fight on your behalf.

And calling out noseal for ''lefty bullying''.. noseall is about as diehard left as it's possible to be watson..
Jews are defined both by their ethnicity and religion

Jews, like Muslims, are first and foremost, defined by their religion, and then by their ethnicity. You are a Jew, or you are a Muslim, and if your born in Britain, then you may define yourself as a British Jew, but it's the religion that is the paramount point, and then the ethnicity a (very) secondary aspect of who you are.

Tories are more likely to show racist tendencies too

Sorry Jonbey, I suspect you'll find that both Tories and Labour are both as recist as each other - and that's because they are both just normal people. It's just that Tories will happily admit to it, and the Labour happily deny it.

f there is one thing we can be sure of in politics, it's people slinging mud at each other. It's no longer about showing why your party it is the best to run the country, it's about defaming and mocking the opposition to the point that the electorate believe them to be evil and incompetent.

And that's a top star observation; regretably, it will ony get worse.

So, you're obviously a Labour supporter, but are you a Jewish Labour supportere as well - as you're very well informed.
On a karmic level, I suspect that the Palestinians that are being oppressed in the Gazza strip, are the reincarnated Nazis that mistreated the Jews in the prison camps, and are experiencing how they treated the Jewish prisoners. What goes around, comes around, if not in this life, then the next.

I have only just seen this comment of doggit's.
I echo John's sentiment.
Someone help doggit back onto his trolley.
Jews, like Muslims, are first and foremost, defined by their religion, and then by their ethnicity.
That's not quite right.
Jews are more exclusive and far fewer in number, so it might apply, but Muslims are definitely not limited to one ethnicity.

You are a Jew, or you are a Muslim,
Well, not everyone is one or the other.

and if your born in Britain, then you may define yourself as a British Jew, but it's the religion that is the paramount point, and then the ethnicity a (very) secondary aspect of who you are.
Of course, a British Muslim may have nothing in common, ethnically, with other 'British' Muslims. They just believe the same version of nonsense.

Neither Jew nor Muslim is a race. It is merely dependent on which version of nonsense they believe.
Of course, a British Muslim may have nothing in common, ethnically, with other 'British' Muslims. They just believe the same version of nonsense.

Neither Jew nor Muslim is a race. It is merely dependent on which version of nonsense they believe.

I did like that EFL, very nicely put. This scenario always reminds me of the Ohmid Jilali film where he thinks he a Muslim, and then finds he was born a Jew, and then has to come to terms with it.

but Muslims are definitely not limited to one ethnicity

Actually, they are, I think we both misunderstood the ethnicity bit, (or at least I did) as it's really another way of saying religion, not race. On the other hand, you could have a sub argument that a Shia Muslim is a different ethnicity to a Sunni Muslim, even though they are both Muslims, just of a different branch.

But Jews will also subdivide in different ways, as you have Orthodox, Reform, and Conservative and Reconstructionist Jews, so you could argue they they have similar sub groups as the Muslims have.

When I said you were a Jew, or Muslim, I meant that that is how they define themselves, simply by their religion being the most paramount aspect of their identity. I'm British, and I was christened in the Greek Orthodox Church, but I don't define myself by my religion, nor by my race (half Greek Cypriot, half English) but by the place I was born.
I did like that EFL, very nicely put. This scenario always reminds me of the Ohmid Jilali film where he thinks he a Muslim, and then finds he was born a Jew, and then has to come to terms with it.

Actually, they are, I think we both misunderstood the ethnicity bit, (or at least I did) as it's really another way of saying religion, not race. On the other hand, you could have a sub argument that a Shia Muslim is a different ethnicity to a Sunni Muslim, even though they are both Muslims, just of a different branch.
I did actually look it up to make sure -
"the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition"
I don't see how Muslims from Somalia and Muslims from Britain can conform to that.
As Christians in Britain and India.

But Jews will also subdivide in different ways, as you have Orthodox, Reform, and Conservative and Reconstructionist Jews, so you could argue they they have similar sub groups as the Muslims have.
You might depending on how similar or different they are. I wasn't so sure about Jews. Is there, for example, a community of black Jews anywhere?
I wasn't referring to subdivisions of Muslims who are the same, but groups that only have their religion in common. As above.

When I said you were a Jew, or Muslim, I meant that that is how they define themselves, simply by their religion being the most paramount aspect of their identity.
That's the trouble.
They think the paramount aspect is the one of least signifigance.

I'm British, and I was christened in the Greek Orthodox Church, but I don't define myself by my religion, nor by my race (half Greek Cypriot, half English) but by the place I was born.
Therein lies the difference, doesn't it?
Which they put first.

I'm British or English. I don't mind either.[/quote][/quote]