Final proof, The labour party are anti semitic

Actually, they are, I think we both misunderstood the ethnicity bit, (or at least I did) as it's really another way of saying religion, not race. On the other hand, you could have a sub argument that a Shia Muslim is a different ethnicity to a Sunni Muslim, even though they are both Muslims, just of a different branch.

But Jews will also subdivide in different ways, as you have Orthodox, Reform, and Conservative and Reconstructionist Jews, so you could argue they they have similar sub groups as the Muslims have.

When I said you were a Jew, or Muslim, I meant that that is how they define themselves, simply by their religion being the most paramount aspect of their identity. I'm British, and I was christened in the Greek Orthodox Church, but I don't define myself by my religion, nor by my race (half Greek Cypriot, half English) but by the place I was born.

Shia vs Sunni are different denominations not different ethnicities.

I think you will find people don't define themselves by a single characteristic. It's those who like to generalise and label people who are fond of this.

What do you define yourself by then?
Ive never understood what this argument about Labour being anti-semitic.

Is it entirely untrue and just scaremungering by the right wing press?

Is it a no smoke without fire attitude?

For what reason would Labour have a need for being anti-semitic, I mean is there some historical reason?

The issue to me dont seem clear
Ive never understood what this argument about Labour being anti-semitic.

Is it entirely untrue and just scaremungering by the right wing press?

Is it a no smoke without fire attitude?

For what reason would Labour have a need for being anti-semitic, I mean is there some historical reason?

The issue to me dont seem clear

The only reason I can think of that jewish lobbyists pick on corbyn is maybe that he is might be not pandering to them enough for them to feel that he is their man. One of the pit falls of power is you have to be eagar to appease and fraternise with all sorts, including jews, and make them feel like they are getting preferential treatment, that's what gets you into power.

It could be this or it could be that they don't like his policies and think he isn't clever enough to make it work. What it certainly isn't about, is anti-semitism, jews are very good at working with gentiles they don't particularly like if it's in their business interests, they will readily work with people they know don't like them, trust me I know. I reckon Corbyn must not have the right ideologies, so out comes the anti-semitism card, a very hard card to trump.
Any government can do things that or wicked or shameful.

If a British warship, for example, shelled children playing football on a beach, the RN and the UK government could expect a great deal of justified international criticism.

Very few Brits would complain that this criticism was due to hatred of British culture or religion.
I honestly think it's mostly political warfare - the right wing press played the anti-antisemitism card early on and having been pushing it since. Just remember, momentum was founded by a man who had a Jewish upbringing, there are active pro-labour Jewish groups and Jews are labour MPs - Ed Milliband, an atheist brought in a Jewish family was leader for a while. To say that the party is antisemitic makes as much sense as saying that the Tories are anti-capitalist.

Some stats on religions of MPs by party - labour and conservative have a similar representation of jews.



It really does seem hard to believe that there is any real problem of antisemitism in the labour party.

And let's not forget recent history:

These attacks on labour help distract from the fact that the right wing government that is intent on a hard brexit and making the UK more isolationist than it's been in a century is slowly marching ahead. The big question is, what is the government's main objective, and how will it affect is common people?
Some stats on religions of MPs by party

This has nothing to do with MPs Jonbey; when it gets stated that the Labour party is anit-semetic, it's refereing to many groups within it, and to many of the members, that in supporting Palestine, take an automatic rejection agaisnt Isreal for their suppression of the Palestinians, and then by association, anyone that's Jewish.

It really does seem hard to believe that there is any real problem of antisemitism in the labour party.

Now aren't you keeping up with the news, or are you burying your head in the sand, as Tom Watson was on TV a few days ago saying that when he ends up discussing the issue on TV, then it's getting out of hand.
jonbey, according to adrian king, whoever he is, Sinn Fein are 50% catholic, he's avinalarf. I'm sure you can find "proof" from some other internet nutter that most lions prefer corn flakes for breakfast.
Yes I am aware of the problems raised - there may well be some problem members that need dealing with. But to say that the whole party and all its supporters are antisemitic is just plain daft.
jonbey, according to adrian king, whoever he is, Sinn Fein are 50% catholic, he's avinalarf. I'm sure you can find "proof" from some other internet nutter that most lions prefer corn flakes for breakfast.

mwatson, you have (accidentally or otherwise) failed to observe the columns for people who choose not to publish their religious affiliations, if any.

which is in my view the best option.

What's *your* religion?
mwatson, you have (accidentally or otherwise) failed to observe the columns for people who choose not to publish their religious affiliations, if any.

which is in my view the best option.

What's *your* religion?

This place gets more and more bizarre, so you think that 50% of Sinn Fein members are not catholics. Stop looking for internet "facts"and turn your common sense back on.
I have no opinion of the religious beliefs, if any, of MPs.

but the row you are looking at has 50% declared catholic, and 50% not known.

Why didn't you answer my question?

I don't know who the nutter is who made that chart, but he claims that catholics are not Christians.