General Election 4th July

NI is specifically an employment tax. So not the same as an income tax, although, to the ordinary working person, it feels the same.

Tory supporters are predominantly over retirement age so they like changes that make pensioners better off.

There is no particular reason why people receiving one state benefit should pay tax on it, but not others with the same income.

The government revenue from NI and from Income Tax are two large sources of government funds. You can cut one and increase the other depending who you want to favour.

It is reasonable to argue that there is no point in having two taxes, just have one, but the maze of allowances and cutoff points is a bit of a tangle.

And if income tax was increased to make up the shortfall from NI, some people would complain that their tax had gone up.
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I saw the Latest Tory TV add yesterday for the 1st time. Sunak's I promise that Labour will increase taxation seems to have worn off. We heard way to much of it in TV debates.

So now it's graphics. As many similar ideas as they can dream up. Very project fear really. Sunak could have put the same across in a speech instead but maybe they thought that would be a bad idea. in the real commercial world they could probably be sued.

Starmer came clearer in an interview. It concerned things that they can't do that crop up and might be expected from Labour. Labour and the Tory are pretty similar in these areas really. We can't afford it. His aim is to get growth back to where it was when they were last in power correctly pointing out that this will make billions available. Both want this. Methods differ.
I don't know who to vote for. I'm in a Lib or Con area.
Had enough of the tories. Liberals are a bit of a waste of time and run by a tosser.
They each have a few worthy aims and plausible methods, but nobody's saying how to get much growth.
Oh and - they all lie.
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Got sorted of accosted this morning out side my place cleaning my van out by some liberal canvasser :giggle:

Nice lady and she was fit ;)

About all I recall after listening to her for 5 mins :giggle:

If she had played her cards right well ;)

Mind you that’s her loss ;)
everyone can shelve their hopes and expectations and reflect on how they've been had. Again.
Labour do have some different ideas on improving growth and are clearly saying they can not make rapid changes just ease certain problems. Pretty honest of them.

One of the interesting factors is that they appear to have a large campaigning fund, A lot of it from business. Also the seminar Rachel held for the money brigade. It was well received. Sunak held something or the other and hardly anybody attended. She pulled in lots.

They also have aims to try and help small and medium sized businesses including manufacture. They appear to be money source related.Might be to try and get the merchant bank lot interested. The experts in this area unlike our other types of bank.

There is also something they can only do if they are in power. Look closely at the books to see if funding can be shifted around.

People and training has it's interesting aspects as well. Train what we need. While it's great to rabbit on about areas that need certain qualification levels some aren't going to get them or enough of them.

Council tax - pass. Currently they are being asked for ideas to improve efficiency. Can't see a party change altering that. Reducing department sizes gov etc, Starmer has direct experience of that. In fact he organised one.

:( Reform. Farage holding a very Trumpish large party meeting with his followers. Broadcasted on the BBC including ~10mins of him lambasting them in all sorts of ways. Also licence fee must end. Interesting area to choose as his usually are. He also went through Iraq, Libia and Ukraine wars. How wonderful he is concerning prediction the problems they caused. I'd love to see direct proof of all of this and what he actually said. The new buzz word is end games thanks to Gaza.
I've only just learnt that until 1969 you had to be 21 to vote. Apparently the UK was the first major democratic country to lower the voting age to 18.

It didn't save Harold Wilson in 1970, though.
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Harold Wilson
A much maligned strong leader who had to cope with a number of tricky issues even within his own party. You should read the lot

LOL he even started off the EU rebate on contributions. Also the country was run on a trade balance basis.

Interesting graphic on the box recently. It split of pensioner, earners and then the very bottom end of those and others, Those in the pits in other words, Can't remember all of the numbers but pensioners show a money gain. Earners a bit more. Those in the pits £1,400 short.
:( Reform. Farage holding a very Trumpish large party meeting with his followers. Broadcasted on the BBC including ~10mins of him lambasting them in all sorts of ways. Also licence fee must end. Interesting area to choose as his usually are. He also went through Iraq, Libia and Ukraine wars. How wonderful he is concerning prediction the problems they caused. I'd love to see direct proof of all of this and what he actually said. The new buzz word is end games thanks to Gaza.
BBC tend to fact check everything that's said during this campaign, so Farage would be confident of what he has said in the past.
Some will love this. Done and dusted to me. We have a pot of money how to spend it. Far more important.
S&P cut Britain's credit rating by two notches from 'AAA' to 'AA' after the 2016 Brexit referendum decision and warned of another possible downgrade following former Prime Minister Liz Truss's 'mini budget' huge tax cut programme announced in 2022.4 Apr 2024

The Truss aspect was scrapped quickly so that cut never happened. The link has been updated. Some might like to read it but the real world is too much for some

They'd rather rave on about invasions and all sorts rather than accept the facts. LOL and vote for Farage.
I'm surprised a major speech for Reform made by a Muslim businessman and the son of immigrants gets zero press coverage in MSM! Surely it adds something to the debate?
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