General Election 4th July

Both parties have been criticised by the stastics (?) office fir being economical with actual alleterre with tax increases ;) That will be on the agenda

I would introduce a tax

All those in favour of this mass immigration caper would be forced to cough up
Or they would be forced to take in an immigrant as a non paying lodger :giggle:

A sort of put up or shut up policy
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What exactly is mass immigration and who is in favour of it? You mean the boat people or what?

Self explanatory

As for who is in favour probably you providing you don’t have to directly dip yer hand in yer pocket :giggle:

Uk is full up no more room
Short on accommodation
NHS can’t cope
Prisons full
Ect ect
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You mean you are just repeating what others have told you to post. Gotcha.

Mass immigration, lol.
The irony
You need to pull yer ead out yer arris noseall

Macron is stating the potential of civil war in France ??? Bit OTT but hey ho

If that le penn mob get in they will start emptying there lunatic asylums
Migrant camps
And towing them across the channel into Uk waters in plain sight

Let alone having to deal with French refugees displaced by a civil war ????

Scoundrels ;) :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:

So best advised you sort out yer spare room ??
All those in favour of this mass immigration caper would be forced to cough u
Not another referendum. With a question worded like that, no one would tick yes. They’ve learnt what happens when you say yes to open ended questions.
And yet you can't explain and all you type is waffle and garbage and your standard foreigner hatred.

Nonsense noseall

As for waffle and garbage the irony coming from you

As for hatred of foreigners ?? Well dare say 50% (?) of my family are foreigners

International ?

Austrians , German , Dutch , Swiss and Canadian :cool:

Granted there are no scoundrels in the list :giggle:
Any of them Muslim or dark skinned? French?

No, thought not. Just more irrelevant waffle and hatred of foreigners from trans.

Well can’t say there is noseall that I am aware of
How many In Your family ?

No thought not

Just irrelevant hatred from noseall

Yes exactly :giggle:
Immigration levels will fall over the next few years. Visa types which make up the large numbers. done and dusted who ever gets in. Big but though - if needed visas will be granted. So if it drops too low ............

Labour have an idea. Train our own people for the jobs that need filling, As the IFS said great but it wont have an immediate and quick effect. To do this they need to redirect the various education facilities a bit.

House building. Identify a new style of site where planning will be easier. I suspect this may get similar to building that was done ~70's. Larger numbers per site rather than tagging a few on to say villages etc. Actually B'ham has done a bit of this within the city boundary :)Labour council. IFS dismissed it a bit but didn't note the idea about suitable building sites.

Interesting comment about knife crime etc. Labour. Need to steer education at an earlier level. Junior suggested. Kid's are more mailable the younger they are.

IFS. Both may as well say nearly all are being dishonest, They say no tax increases in the usual ones but wont say which they may increase if they need to. LOL They can't say that they will need to increase tax or that they wont. Personally I think that currently there is more chance of growth. Any amount changes things. Throw in some nutty politics and the chance will disappear. Not that this worries the greens, reform or the libs really. The Libs have some toothless policy ideas on pollution and other factors.

LOL Liberalism. Well we know what neo liberalism does. Both are somewhat anything goes.
Yep he has but it does cast a dark shadow over the affair. I do suspect we don't have the full picture yet but Grinder and black mail / coercion is not going to end well.

It does rather sound like a sordid espionage thriller book plot.
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