Georgie B's at it again

22 Nov 2003
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United Kingdom
Just heard s snippet of the news on the radio, George Bush is considering taking military action against Iran.

For gods sake Tony, dont get involved in this one, your last little venture with your mate is costing a fortune with no end in sight.
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was precedence set with iraq? it's going to be very hard backing out this time?
so we should just let iran make there own nukes then is that the answer ?

better to do a bit of espionage or mass precission bombing and do it asap
I would think Tony would have a hard job convincing the public this time.
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Get the feeling the Hawks are flexing claws ready to glaze some desert regions? .. Just a matter of time .... Or, more likely, Hilarious will put it all to rights from 2008, she is 4:1 against, favourite at this time ! And probably make a good president too !

edit. Blimey just read :-
The Clinton factor looks certain to play a big role in the 2008 campaign and the only other serious support for an individual candidate so far has been for Arnold Schwarzenegger - it would require a change in the law but he has been backed from 500/1 to 66/1 to become President
God help us all -- The terminator !
Slogger said:
so we should just let iran make there own nukes then is that the answer ?

better to do a bit of espionage or mass precission bombing and do it asap
Slogger, ever seen the film Dr Strangelove? :)
kendor said:
Slogger said:
so we should just let iran make there own nukes then is that the answer ?

better to do a bit of espionage or mass precission bombing and do it asap
Slogger, ever seen the film Dr Strangelove? :)

there you go again making my posts look flipant and jokey we all have seen the cowboy riding the nuke ( cant think of a better way to go ) :eek:

answer me this do you think its ok for iran to have and own its own nuclear capable weapons YES or NO

if you say YES then we dont need to go any further into who you support

if you say NO then how do we stop them manufacturing these weapons
Slogger said:
kendor said:
Slogger said:
so we should just let iran make there own nukes then is that the answer ?

better to do a bit of espionage or mass precission bombing and do it asap
Slogger, ever seen the film Dr Strangelove? :)

there you go again making my posts look flipant and jokey we all have seen the cowboy riding the nuke ( cant think of a better way to go ) :eek:

answer me this do you think its ok for iran to have and own its own nuclear capable weapons YES or NO

if you say YES then we dont need to go any further into who you support

if you say NO then how do we stop them manufacturing these weapons
I don't agree with nuclear weapons fullstop, where's the proof they are enriching uranium to weapons grade?
Oh by the way i wasn't trying to make your post look flippant and jokey, i leave that to you, I was merely thinking that you remind me of a character in the film who wants to take no chances and nuke without question or reason.
For those that havn't seen the film there is a character in the film who was a psychopath and his actions led eventually to the end of the world.
kendor said:
Slogger said:
kendor said:
Slogger said:
so we should just let iran make there own nukes then is that the answer ?

better to do a bit of espionage or mass precission bombing and do it asap
Slogger, ever seen the film Dr Strangelove? :)

there you go again making my posts look flipant and jokey we all have seen the cowboy riding the nuke ( cant think of a better way to go ) :eek:

answer me this do you think its ok for iran to have and own its own nuclear capable weapons YES or NO

if you say YES then we dont need to go any further into who you support

if you say NO then how do we stop them manufacturing these weapons
I don't agree with nuclear weapons fullstop, where's the proof they are enriching uranium to weapons grade?
ok there is a reason we need to stop iran from having acces to anything nuclear

ANSWER my question please YES .................... OR ............... NO
Slogger said:
kendor said:
Slogger said:
kendor said:
Slogger said:
so we should just let iran make there own nukes then is that the answer ?

better to do a bit of espionage or mass precission bombing and do it asap
Slogger, ever seen the film Dr Strangelove? :)

there you go again making my posts look flipant and jokey we all have seen the cowboy riding the nuke ( cant think of a better way to go ) :eek:

answer me this do you think its ok for iran to have and own its own nuclear capable weapons YES or NO

if you say YES then we dont need to go any further into who you support

if you say NO then how do we stop them manufacturing these weapons
I don't agree with nuclear weapons fullstop, where's the proof they are enriching uranium to weapons grade?
ANSWER my question please YES .................... OR ............... NO
No but again i don't think America, Britain or anyone else should have these weapons either.
Personally i don't trust anyone with that sort of power.
ok now we have your answer i am intrigued as to what you would do about iran you being a liberal n all ( are you )

please enlighten me about how you would go about iran please dont say you would try and talk to them as talking is over now even the UN have said that

i for one would sabotage them or worse still hit them now with a massive pinpoint bomb run of sorts even if that meant some sort of tactical nuclear device ( seeing as they are small yield )
But what do we have to do with Iran as you put it? i answered your question but you havn't mine, what proof is there that they are enriching uranium to weapons grade?
Say your worst nightmares come true and Iran develop Nuclear weapons, does this mean they will deploy them or just keep them for defence?
As known it's not just a case of making them, they have to be tested and this is when they'd give the game away so aren't you being premature with your accusations and not giving them the chance of gaining nuclear power for the good intentions namely to power their country.
If you believe they would deploy them then that would be extremely silly as they wouldn't stand a chance with the opposing nuclear arsenal of the rest of the world.
We've had Russia China India Pakistan Britain and the rest all nuclear capable and anyone could have deployed but didn't because of the nuclear threat from others, I dont agree with this as i'm against such WMD
but merely am making a factual comment.
kendor said:
But what do we have to do with Iran as you put it? i answered your question but you havn't mine, what proof is there that they are enriching uranium to weapons grade?
the simple fact is they would have the capablities of making nukes if we let them have access to nuclear power they cant be trusted the un even said that

trust is not there so the risk is too great who here would trust iran not to enrich uranium and make nukes to pass onto some mad mullah NOT ME
Slogger said:
kendor said:
But what do we have to do with Iran as you put it? i answered your question but you havn't mine, what proof is there that they are enriching uranium to weapons grade?
the simple fact is they would have the capablities of making nukes if we let them have access to nuclear power they cant be trusted the un even said that

trust is not there so the risk is too great who here would trust iran not to enrich uranium and make nukes to pass onto some mad mullah NOT ME
i have added a bit more to my previous post as they don't like new posts being created on the same subject so please review what i have said.
Capabilities doesn't mean they will, in so far as passing on nukes to mullahs there are enough russian devices on the black market from the demise of the soviet union and the media made such of it but so far have we seen these devices deployed?
you said it all when you said SO FAR

the cost on the black market would be massive the cost to make your own would be a pittance

its all about trust and the west doesnt trust them i agree to a point that all nukes are bad

BUT would we have had such a long period of peace ( between the power nations ) if we didnt have them

M.A.D mutually assured destruction is the only thing that has stopped the usa russia and china from having a go at each other so they are good peace makers until

UNTIL one nation gets starwars thus negating M.A.D and making it impossible to hurt the side that has starwars but thats another post subject

trust isnt there and never will be now
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