Georgie B's at it again

Who can you trust with such weapons?
as i said previously to create nukes doesn't happen overnight and although capabilities to make them may be easier it still is a long way from actually making them, and as you state in the above post the deterrent is there to stop anyone from deploying so trust does come into it.
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but you lose the M.A.D effect when you give them to terrorists as they care little as you cant find them too much risk its simple too many nations have them now so we need to find a better way around the nuclear power thing as me post on leasing them will incur some thoughts no doubt
Firstly let me comment on the topic of the thread..

GB has not ruled out Military action being required to solve the problem, however he did say that it was his wish that diplomacy could win thorugh and that he would ensure that military action would only be considered if and when all other avenues had been exhausted.

OK so he may be sabre rattling, and this is obviously for Ians benefit, but equally he has set his stool out early and basically rulled out military action as getting through now would be very difficult for him. Lets not forget that there are some 20 nations with Troops in Iraq, and these would be at risk if America went after Iran, so they would need their support for any such action, and that is unlikely without some real proof that Iran actually has a Nuclear Weapon.

The dubious "intelligence" that took us into Iraq would not be trusted at this time, Bush must be very aware of this, so I think Military action is highly unlikely.

Now, regardling the Nuclear program. Please don't believe the high tech lies that come out of Western Governments. I do not have a Nuclear reactor, however if I had 2kg of U235, I could actually enrich this with equipment I can buy in the high street and get about 0.5kg of U238. Now the amount I have would only be enough to make a Tactical size Nuke, about 2kT equivelent, but it would still be a Nuke.

However if you have ion excess of 10kg of U235, then you can actually use that to make a crude Fission device that would be around 12kT of explosive force.

You do not need centrifuges or other such high tech equipment to make a Nuke. Remeber that the US dropped two different bombs on Japan, one was using Plutonium 240 (Pl240) for Little Boy, the other used Uranium 238 (U238) for Fat Man.

The U238 was enriched from U235 using a partical accelerator in Hartford.

I have three similar devices in my home, and ebing an electrical engineer I know how to adapt them for the enrishment process. It would be slow and dangerous, but achievable.

Why have I explained this? Well If Iran wanted Nuclear Weapons, they do not need the Nuclear Reactor for this purpose, yes it is simpler and safer, but not a requirement.

I personally do not believe the Iranian plan to build Nuclear Weapons.
good point as ww2 tech is easy to duplicate now makes it even more of a dilema
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FWL_Engineer said:
...he has set his stool out early...

Thats what happens when you have a good high fibre diet, can't see how he did though, the Americans tend to eat high fat diets. ;)
FWL_Engineer said:
I have three similar devices in my home, and ebing an electrical engineer I know how to adapt them for the enrishment process. It would be slow and dangerous, but achievable.
Should Bush be sending his troops into FWL's House? :eek: ;)
As a kid i used to make loud bangs with caps, should i expect a knock at the door? :LOL:
Seriously though if it was so easy then we would have had nukes deployed by now.
Well it cant be that hard as there is a true story of a 13 year old boy who built a nucleur reactor in his dads garden shed and it worked and it was very very radioactive :eek:
Freddie said:
Well it cant be that hard as there is a true story of a 13 year old boy who built a nucleur reactor in his dads garden shed and it worked and it was very very radioactive :eek:
Not saying the physics of it is complicated but the practical is, in making a reliable weapon safely.
A nuclear program doesn't come cheap.
as proved recently, bomb making is easy to do with easily available ingredients but keeping it stable and reliable is another kettle of fish.
Freddie said:
Well it cant be that hard as there is a true story of a 13 year old boy who built a nucleur reactor in his dads garden shed and it worked and it was very very radioactive :eek:
...The police tracked him down after a dyno rod man reported glowing stools...gave him arc-eye:cool:
Nige F said:
Freddie said:
Well it cant be that hard as there is a true story of a 13 year old boy who built a nucleur reactor in his dads garden shed and it worked and it was very very radioactive :eek:
...The police tracked him down after a dyno rod man reported glowing stools...gave him arc-eye:cool:

Steaming turd gave him away Nige :LOL:
If true, where did he get the radioactive material to use in this reactor?
Why cant Iran have Nuclear Power ...

after the usually DR Strangelove scare fantasises ...

we have North Korea with a major loony tunes ,old Kim ,

on par with that Munkey cretin bush

so why are we worring at Iran .. Mmm answers on a postcard ,lol ..

wonder why Bush the hawk wants exterminate another Middle eastern country , other that a hard as nails real threat N/K who have no oil ..
Kendor, the only difficult part of constructing a Nuclear device, whether it be a pile, reactor or weapon is actully getting hold of enough material to ensure it works.

If this can be obtained, legitimately or otherwise, then the process is actually very simple indeed. One of the ironies of the Manhatten project was that after spending around $20 Billion on the program, the solution had actually been known since 1941, but was so simple that it was ignored, no-one thought it could be that easy!!

Uranium is relatvely easy to find in small quantities if you know ehere to look. Yes Uranium Mines are in a few places only, but this is concentrated Uranium, most Volcanic rock contains uranium as well as other actinide and Lanthanide series elements, if you have a Gieger counter and certain equipment, Uranium is relatively easy to extract.

Enriching the basic U235 dug from the ground is also relatively simple, but I shall not post how to do it here for some very obvious reasons.
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