Germany: Anti-immigration party on course for a win.

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Right wing populism always uses hatred of foreigners as it’s way to gain voters.

Sadly those voters are too fick to realise right wing populists real intent is to cut taxes for the rich, cut wages, public services and worker protections for the poor.

In the U.K. they used Brexit as a vehicle to do it.

The uneducated and or uninformed are easily hoodwinked
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Yet another racist mottie topic...

Strange how apparently whilst stirring up hatred he'd apparently fight (lol), but has said he wouldn't want his offspring to have to fight for the conflicts he wants to occur...

He is not only very thick since they would have to fight should it come to it, but it is obvious he really hates his kids/grandkids by spreading his prejudice to them!
Direct from the BBC

Open the gates to immigrants and you are more than likely opening them up to more crime, tax evasion etc etc...

This is reality. The UK has gone down the toilet. Open door to thugs beyond our borders.
Do small boat people actually use the door or gate?
Democracy is such a good thing when it delivers the answer you want.
Right wing populists don’t deliver the answer you want.

Brexit didn’t deliver the answer leave supporters voted for
Open the gates to immigrants and you are more than likely opening them up to more crime, tax evasion etc etc...

This is reality. The UK has gone down the toilet. Open door to thugs beyond our borders.
U.K. has gone down the toilet because we have massive wealth inequality caused by people voting Tory.

Tories then blame foreigners and KoolPc is easily taken in

You really are fick
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