Germany: Anti-immigration party on course for a win.

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U.K. has gone down the toilet because we have massive wealth inequality caused by people voting Tory.

Tories then blame foreigners and KoolPc is easily taken in

You really are fick

You need to get out more. Stop hiding behind your keyboard and go and check out the real world chum...
U.K. has gone down the toilet because we have massive wealth inequality caused by people voting Tory.

Not sure I agree with that

Things certainly went south where the UK borders were relaxed by Labour.

50 years of not building enough homes certainly hasn’t helped
Right wing populism always uses hatred of foreigners as it’s way to gain voters.

Sadly those voters are too fick to realise right wing populists real intent is to cut taxes for the rich, cut wages, public services and worker protections for the poor.

In the U.K. they used Brexit as a vehicle to do it.

The uneducated and or uninformed are easily hoodwinked
It's not just the populism in Germany that is driving the politics.

There is still an economic divide between East and West, just like the North - South divide in UK.

Angela Merkel was very much a product of her East German upbringing even though she was born in West Germany.
She enjoyed some popularity among East Germans.
Olaf Shultz is very much a product of West Germany.
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Democracy is such a good thing when it delivers the answer you want.
That's the thing about democracy, it often doesn't deliver what you want.
But there's many models of democracy, some better than others at eliciting stable government, cooperation and satisfaction of the electorate.
Not sure I agree with that

Things certainly went south where the UK borders were relaxed by Labour.

50 years of not building enough homes certainly hasn’t helped
So the North - South divide does not exist in UK?
Again, your lack of the English language shows chum...
Again, your resort to unwarranted ad hominem attacks shows again, chum. :rolleyes:

You've been shown to have failed to write correctly on several occasions.
I suggest you let it go, instead of resurrecting old arguments, only to be proven wrong again.

In my experience, there's only one reason to resurrect old arguments, and that is because you perceive that you lost the last one. :ROFLMAO:
Apparently some of the regions who voted for AfD were early adopters of another party a few decades back.

As I always say, be very careful what you wish for ...
Open the gates to immigrants and you are more than likely opening them up to more crime, tax evasion etc etc...

This is reality. The UK has gone down the toilet. Open door to thugs beyond our borders.
You're right. Crime in general and things like tax evasion shot up in direct correlation with migrants. The UK used to have hardly any crime and as for tax evasion, it's well known indigenous Brits don't partake in such activities ...
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