Germany wants the UK to remain in the EU

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Actually, it wouldn't be considered a falsification by either of the following two classes of people:

  1. Those not so ignorant that they did not know of the convention of putting words in [ ] to indicate that they are not a verbatim quote but are intended to clarify meaning, provide a brief explanation etc.
  2. Those not such total )"!*%*"($ idiots that they refuse to accept that the convention exists having been shown that it incontrovertibly does.

So I can see why you are still maintaining that it was a falsification

Bernards clearly proved you are wrong old bean.
Square brackets (also called brackets, especially in American English) are mainly used to enclose words added by someone other than the original writer or speaker, typically in order to clarify the situation

Anybody with commonsense can see what you wrote was a blatant falsification.
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Bernards clearly proved you are wrong old bean.

Anybody with commonsense can see what you wrote was a blatant falsification.
Anybody who is literate in English understands that the use of square brackets is to signify words inserted by the author, rather than the original speaker.
As shown by Bernard's example. The author is at liberty to clarify the original in any way they see fit. It is the author's work and they retain the ownership of it.
You can disagree on the ethics, but not on the grammar.

MOD: This thread has run its course. Please DO NOT falsify quotes, regardless of this fatuous brackets nonsense.
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