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I know you don't.


And like you really care :LOL:

Dunno why you don’t start some crowd funding for the bloke if you actually really care

Either that or dip yer hand in your pocket and donate some thing to his legal campaign for compensation
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Taser them if needed, no issue. Aggressive force to take them down, no issue.
Use of ANY force necessary to take them down, no issue.

But once they are down and are subdued, it's different.

Don't try common sense and logic.
puts it all into context - officer fully justified, they had to establish control and thats what they did. We should be thanking these brave police officers.

It is all in context now. It was an awful violent assault and thankfully the attackers were finally subdued. And then one of the officers kicked a tasered person with full force in the face and stamped on his head. He then pepper sprays another person for videoing it. So, quite rightly the attackers will be properly punished, and the police officer who lost control has quite rightly been referred for the latter actions. I would have been absolutely furious about a female colleague being attacked, but this officer should have been able to control himself.
I'd take an educated guess that I'm less prejudiced than you.

This common sense thing. Do you have any? Or do you think an aggressive attitude is a good thing?
your aggression doesnt bother me in the slightest
It is all in context now. It was an awful violent assault and thankfully the attackers were finally subdued. And then one of the officers kicked a tasered person with full force in the face and stamped on his head. He then pepper sprays another person for videoing it. So, quite rightly the attackers will be properly punished, and the police officer who lost control has quite rightly been referred for the latter actions. I would have been absolutely furious about a female colleague being attacked, but this officer should have been able to control himself.
its an ongoing and very possibly an escalating situation, the man who eventually gets kicked had attacked and put 3 officers on the ground. The copper, when viewed from the comfort of our armchairs may appear to go too far, but in the heat of the moment, and not knowing exactly who or what he is dealing with has to be decisive, he can not allow him to get back up. Yes I agree it looks bad, but in the heat of battle people become instinctive, the officer has to take full control for his own safety, the safety of his colleagues and everyone else in that airport.

I hope the officer sees nothing more than a reprimand and given further training. To crucify him would send the message out to every other copper - don't get involved, better to run away and save your job and pension

I'm expecting these police officers to put there lives on the line to protect me, I am on there side
Taser them if needed, no issue. Aggressive force to take them down, no issue.
Use of ANY force necessary to take them down, no issue.

But once they are down and are subdued, it's different.
never seen a boxer get up from a knock out and then batter his opponent into submission then
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