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Will cuff him and assist his colleagues. What did a stomp in the head actually achieve? Diddly squat.
would make sure he wasnt getting back up or resisting getting cuffs put on thus saving time to help others
would make sure he wasnt getting back up or resisting getting cuffs put on thus saving time to help others
He was tasered and face down not even moving. Get him cuffed the help your colleagues, stop showboating...
String him up if he is found guilty, cut his w!lly off for good measure. It's not me who supports convicted felons and rapists.
now how many times and by how many has that statement been proved lies or false . Still waiting for you to put any quote up .
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A bit yes, you can see he had been tasered before his head was stomped. That's even worse.

I support the police, but not thugs in uniforms.
Nah it’s even better tazor him first than kick him

Mind you may be he should have kicked him first and than tazored him ???
now how many times and by how many has that statement been proved lies or false . Still waiting for you to put any quote up .

He can’t ( Denso)

He generally makes ***t up either that or you get some cut and paste war and peace long post
We’re bye if you read it you would lose the will to live :LOL:

He should get a job with the Samaritans on there anti suicide hot line :giggle:
Our police are not machines, they are human, with human feelings. He had just seen his collegues vicously attacked. I said I would reserve judgement until we knew more. Having seen more, I accept the copper was wrong for kicking a man already down, but who amonst us could control our feelings, in the heat of the moment, with what we saw, that went before?
The police, more so armed units, are supposed to be able to control feelings. He snapped, it happens. Were the resisters wrong to resist and fight? Yes. Was the policeman wrong to kick the guy in the head? (In my opinion) yes. Even a kick to the body would be more excusable, however the head, nah.
The solicitor representing the family also accused the police of assaulting the mother, when we can clearly see she was punched by her own son, he also said the thug who got kicked was fighting for his life :LOL:(maybe this footage wasn't expected) will be interesting to see where this story goes in the next few weeks.
I also think it strange this footage was released, you would have thought it would be used as evidence in court, could it be a bit of bargaining going on?:unsure:
It's interesting to note that the posters who support the 'scum' attacking the police are the same 'scum who support attacks on Israel by Hamas.
That's interesting. I haven't seen anyone supporting attacks on Israel. Perhaps you can point it out.

I have certainly seen plenty of people criticising Israel's racist Genocide of the Palestinians. Maybe that's what you're thinking of.

"Halas habibi sibni," is what Mohammed Bahar said when he was killed by Israeli thugs using an attack dog in his own home.

We don't often hear the names of their victims.

I hope you won't object to me criticising that murder, one among so many.
Thanks to filly for keeping Israel's racist genocide in the public eye.
"Halas habibi sibni," is what Mohammed Bahar said when he was killed by Israeli thugs using an attack dog in his own home.

We don't often hear the names of their victims.

What were the names of the 30 people killed by a hezbollah rocket in Northern Israel today, many of them children. **** off withy your racist **** John. It's becoming tedious.
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