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Also to add if it had been white people assaulting the poilce in that way I would have no qualms about them recieving the same treatment
you wouldn’t have bothered starting a thread about it.

That’s the difference

I have admitted that I am recist in other posts and proud of it.
I bet you keep it in check around your customers, work colleagues and family.

So not that proud of it
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The only person I know in real life who calls herself a racist is one of my brother's in-laws. But she doesn't actually seem to dislike brown and black people. She just thinks that too many have come here too quickly and that the country is changing too quickly. Also, that they sometimes get preferential treatment. Is that racism?
keep winding yourself up notch you must be getting near boiling point by now , but who are these plumbers your referring to what are the voices in your head telling you
Please try and calm down, you really are awfully triggered :ROFLMAO:

Try some chamomile tea, I’ve heard it’s very soothing…although I’ve not heard if it works on angry racist plumbers. :mrgreen:
I have admitted that I am recist in other posts and proud of it.

Also to add if it had been white people assaulting the poilce in that way I would have no qualms about them recieving the same treatment. Its about time people started to do as they are told by the police, rather than think they are all special (ethnic) cases and can't be touched.
Any racist I have met have been obnoxious people with low intelligence
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I look forward to 30p Lee sticking by his conviction on this if one of his nearest and dearest is kicked in the head by a member of the police in the line of duty. I wonder if Lee will still want to be first in line to pin a medal on the hero ... Mmmm I wonder.
Its about time people started to do as they are told by the police, rather than think they are all special (ethnic) cases and can't be touched.
Look what happened to Sarah Everard when she was obeying a policeman.
Look what happened to George Floyd when he did as he was told,

We need to be wary of police issuing unwarranted orders.
We still don't know why the police approached these people. All we know so far is that they were vehemently protesting their innocence.
All these lefty fooook wits condoning violence against the police, they are part of the problem
And the racists are totally innocent. :rolleyes:
I would have protested loud and long against Wayne Couzens and any other serving police officer who metes out unwarranted violence against another.
It looks like that same policeman pepper sprayed that other man just for videoing it.
These coppers should be held personally liable for their mistakes. The trouble is, members of the public sue police for this kind of thing, but who pays the compensation?

The taxpayer! It's all wrong.
The only person I know in real life who calls herself a racist is one of my brother's in-laws. But she doesn't actually seem to dislike brown and black people. She just thinks that too many have come here too quickly and that the country is changing too quickly. Also, that they sometimes get preferential treatment. Is that racism?
There's the rub.
Racists often dislike non-whites, but they are friendly towards individual members of those minorities.
They excuse their apparent paradox by persuading themselves that the individual members are OK. But a crowd of them is dangerous.
Please try and calm down, you really are awfully triggered :ROFLMAO:

Try some chamomile tea, I’ve heard it’s very soothing…although I’ve not heard if it works on angry racist plumbers. :mrgreen:
so so funny on so many levels
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