If we can reduce or prevent the tobacco trade recruiting enough young teens every year to replace the ones who perish early due to their addiction, then the number of smokers will diminish.
selling an addictive product makes profitable sense as you create a dependent market, but if you keep killing your customers, it is essential to keep trapping new ones. the younger the better since this increases the chance of long-term addiction, and means they have a longer customer life before they die.
Profitable business sense, for the tobacco trade, is 100% unethical though.
selling an addictive product makes profitable sense as you create a dependent market, but if you keep killing your customers, it is essential to keep trapping new ones. the younger the better since this increases the chance of long-term addiction, and means they have a longer customer life before they die.
Profitable business sense, for the tobacco trade, is 100% unethical though.