Goodnight Iran.

the UK taxpayer,
It seems from news the UK didn't do much. Not clear how we were involved. The news has stated that the US and France did intercept missiles. It's also looking clear that more missiles got though than on the other attack.
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An interesting factor is Israel's attack that followed the initial Iranian one. Israel say look it got through Iran's defences Iran says no they shot it down. Iran has been working on it's air defences for years. They may have shot it down. Some of the stuff is pretty sophisticated.
An interesting factor is Israel's attack that followed the initial Iranian one. Israel say look it got through Iran's defences Iran says no they shot it down. Iran has been working on it's air defences for years. They may have shot it down. Some of the stuff is pretty sophisticated.

If you recall, last time Israel had boots on the ground inside Iran which took out some strategic air defences allowing some precision strikes which demonstrated Israel's capabilities.

We won't know what happens this time until it happens. Rest assured though, it will be high precision, high impact and will demonstrate that Israel has operatives deeply implanted in Iran.

In the meantime, the Iranians still haven't worked out what caused their last Prime Minister's helicopter crash.

Bad weather? ;)
Not really true.

America has always wanted to be the worlds “peacemaker” and it spends loads on its military because it enjoys being a superpower

When has America risked lives to protect Europe? All the American wars like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan have FA to do with Europe and everything to do USA meddling

Putin invading Ukraine is a global problem not a European one

Fair enough it will be ok when the Americans pull out of nato ?? :giggle: Europe will step up to the plate:ROFLMAO:

The US forces dealt with the Balkans / concentration camps Europe / EU were hopeless

Ahfaganistan was a nato operation ???

Ukraine is in Europe and with out US clout putin could well be occupying a bigger chunk of Ukraine ??

Many countries out side Europe don’t share your “ worlds problem “ view / opinion
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180 missiles fired at Israel, and all it achieved was the death of a single Palestinian in the West Bank.

Fillyboy finds it amusing another Palestinian has died

Fillyboy has never once condemned the deaths of innocent Palestinian women and children…..because Fillyboy likes to see them dead
He’s pointing out the irony of 180 failed missiles!!

You’d have something different to say if Israel launched them.
He’s pointing out the irony of 180 failed missiles!!

You’d have something different to say if Israel launched them.
I see you still continue posting but are too much of a coward to admit you are making false smear of Anti semitism

when are you going to grow a backbone and either

A) come up with the evidence


B) retract your accusations
I see you still continue posting but are too much of a coward to admit you are making false smear of Anti semitism

when are you going to grow a backbone and either

A) come up with the evidence


B) retract your accusations
C, It’s time for another cup of tea.

But I’m correct about the missiles aren’t I
there is bound to be an open hatch, window or door at Iran's nuclear weapons site - if only the Israelis could get a nuke through it.

we'e pussyfooted about for too long with this despicable regime - time to take them down a peg or three
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