Guns don't kill people - kids do

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Even if you accept that 'Americans' here means just the US then you may have noticed that that is a country, not a race,
Some of them, I believe, may even be Semitic so who knows?
Edit - both Jewish and Muslim, of course.
You may have noticed that they are faith's, not a race.Or maybe you didn't.
Dumb RWR, dumb Trump, dumb Yanks.
What business is it of yours how a foreign country conducts its business? Who are you to tell the people of the US that they have to hand in their weapons? If you feel so strongly, why don't you go there and explain it to them? At least it will save us from having to read your posts about Brexit
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poor old blanco thinks he can see US citizens being told what to do.

He must be hallucinating again.
If the OP feels so strongly about what they are doing in the US, then SURLY he should go and tell them.. Moaning about it here won't change a thing.
Warnings on roads about slowing down on bends, weather warnings, smoking & drinking warnings, peanut allergy warnings, even bloomin best before dates.
Health and safety... which is I find it incredible that in a world where we are warned of the dangers of every day things that a country would continue to allow people to have guns lying around for anyone to pick up. Sadly the children here have paid the price, one kid dead and another kid who will have to live the rest of his life knowing what he'd done.

Yes, some Americans are stupid, as in all walks of life I daresay, but non so stupid as those who allow so many guns to exist among Americans in their every day lives.
Yes, some Americans are stupid
Could you imagine placing loaded guns around a sanitarium or a children's' nursery? Allowing easy access to guns by the mentally unstable. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

And the stupid RWR on here condone it along with their sycophantic love of their lying RWR leader Trump.

Dumb, stupid RWR.
I dare say any of the implements you describe could be USED to kill someone, a common or garden HB pencil could be USED to kill someone. The item, left to its own devices would not kill.
cannot think of many devices left in a car or house where a child picks it up,pulls a trigger and maims or kills someone 10yards away....quite a fekin stunt that would be with a hb.....or any pencil...even a rockhard HH!!!
cannot think of many devices left in a car or house where a child picks it up,pulls a trigger and maims or kills someone 10yards away....quite a fekin stunt that would be with a hb.....or any pencil...even a rockhard HH!!!

Standard response from the gun luvin' RWR is to say that all household implements can kill. Funny how it is only the firearms that are required to be locked away out of sight.
How many crooks do you see brandishing a pencil with menace? No wonder the RWR are a laughing stock.
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