Has Truss resigned yet?

Truss will weather the storm

She has resolve

She will be leader at the next election

All this caper has been caused by spivs
In the money markets most of em are probably foreigners ;)

Yes exactly
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This might have more to do with Unis opening their doors to more students than it does have to do with Blair.
Maybe but the fees allow them to open more doors and probably improved their finances anyway.

Alternatives - an increase in taxation when his opposition will always say they will reduce it. Then comes the past need for parental funding in order to allow students to go to university in the first place. Maybe Blair should have set a higher level. Maybe the increases follow the same plan. A change of party in power doesn't mean that wont happen.
Blunt has said Truss must go. First senior to do so. BBC gave a run down on the various ways she could be axed that get around their 12month no vote of confidence rule. Also how they could get the person that want and no party vote. Sounds like another Boris situation. Just needs enough letters to the 1922 committee. Some feel her position is worse than Boris's was. The feel she should have drawn the party together from day one and didn't. This would be done via cabinet position holders. Hunt is a late example but ..................

:) An odd coalition was mentioned. Sunak and Mordaunt but in a way that suggests it wont happen as one would need to be under the other. LOL read that as you like but the party appear to like illicit relationships. :) Reminds me of Mandy Rice-Davies - a different sort of "relationship".
Britain needs a country led by Brits.
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All you have to do to help you to cut through all the BS, is to look up the betting odds on just how long she has left.

I am not a gambling man unless the odds stack up. I would not place £1 on her still being PM in 2 weeks time . . . . .
Britain needs a country led by Brits.
Yes, none of those namby pamby part-Turkish, or part French (or Norman), or part German (Anglo-Saxon) types. Britain for the Britons, I say!

PS Does that include the Welsh and the Irish, only my nanna was Irish, but she did live here an awful long time
I was contracted out for some years and get less than the basic amount
i only get the basic rate I stated as I have always been contracted out. Many on private final salary schemes will be unless for some reason they decided to contract back in.

One interesting factor for me - looking around it appears that all people employed by the state are on a final salary scheme funded via the usual sort of pension funds that the gov plays around with now and again - merging for instance. Maybe it's just professional people. :( I wondered if these related to the bonds the BofE want to buy.
Yes, none of those namby pamby part-Turkish, or part French (or Norman), or part German (Anglo-Saxon) types. Britain for the Britons, I say!

PS Does that include the Welsh and the Irish, only my nanna was Irish, but she did live here an awful long time
It includes all the peoples of the British Isles, one nation and one people.
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