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Yes lads. Seems like the only 'big one' you'll be riding in Blackpool is on the pleasure beach!
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Is interesting..yet as soon as people view homosexuals their thoughts re-enact the last days of Rome.
Yup, whenever I walk through Kemp Town in Brighton - I see mad guys in Togas on the fiddle :rolleyes:

that made me laff :LOL: :LOL: but that really should be camp town;)

work in a few of there houses years back,i thing i did notice was how bloody rich they were,2 full incomes cumming in.
Missus is pregnant, had nothing for 15 weeks, Now I've started looking at the dog a little differently... :eek:

Thats very rude speaking about your wife like that!

You got her pregnant! :eek:

(Congrats on the pregnancy by the way, hope all is well. ;) )
Is anyone here brave enough to admit to any "experimentation" when they were younger?
I don't understand this in the closet/coming out of the closet? So one day you have a gruff voice, and the next a feminine voice? I don't recall anyone being homosexual when I was growing up, but the media seems to push this idea, and homosexuals seem to thrive to promote themselves, with rallies etc..Maybe it's time to promote 'Being British and Proud', 'Being able to breed and proud', rather than to promote a subculture. NOBODY talked iffenimate in my youth, so where did the culture grow from?

Did you grow up with that voice? No. So when did that happen? When did women become butch? Did it happen overnight? Where is the culture change? When did people realise they were lesbian/gay? When did they change the way they looked/acted? From birth? teenagers? Bad relationship?

The idea of homosexuals in evolution don't exist, so it's obviously an invention in modern times, otherwise the 'subculture' couldn't exist,and even in the '70's wasn't as prevelent as it is today, with blokes talking like they do, and girls being butch.

Strangely I have nothing against homosexuals, if you want a willy up ur bum, or be licked by a woman. Not for me. But creationalism is to breed, to repopulate the planet.
I don't recall anyone being homosexual when I was growing up,
that just means you weren't conscious of them, dummy :rolleyes:

NOBODY talked iffenimate in my youth,
The idea of homosexuals in evolution don't exist, so it's obviously an invention in modern times,
otherwise the 'subculture' couldn't exist,and even in the '70's wasn't as prevelent as it is today,

Now that there is less chance of being attacked, murdered or sacked, and it is less necessary to hide your orientation and behaviour, you don't hide it so much.
Being a man, I got fancied by a bloke once and it turned me right off gay men. However, I saw no reason to be homophobic. They do far less harm to society than heterosexuals do anyway.
There are appears to be more of them because society is changing and being more tolerant.
In my time I have seen a great improvement to others in attitudes to ugliness, disabled, mentally ill and I think it is getting better every year.

As a gay man who has followed these forums for a long time , thank you for your postive responses to this in the most part - particularly John D for setting mickeymoody straight (if you forgive the pun).

It is relieving to know that we live in a tolerant society. I agree that most people focus on the sexual act of being gay rather than the love and emotional side of it.

Incidentally, I have been in a monogamous relationship for eleven years and married to my hsuband for four of them.
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