Mickeymoody is indeed correct on the issue of how homosexual's aren't designed to go through the reproductive cycle and therefore don't really fit into evolutionary model in that manner.
If I were of a troll mind (and to pre-empt any such churlish trends from anyone else) I could no doubt bang on about how the unemployed are not designed to be "of the fittest" in the survival bit of evolutionism - although one could argue that this is quite the opposite case, since surely those who get through times of hardshp and strife are indeed more hardy!
However, I'm not of that ilk (today anyway
) and offer the following two observations:
1/. Homosexuality is as old as the hills.
2/. The fact that a homosexual will not reproduce demonstrates that evolution works just fine (it marks the end of what "nature" presumably considers non viable genetic line).
If I were of a troll mind (and to pre-empt any such churlish trends from anyone else) I could no doubt bang on about how the unemployed are not designed to be "of the fittest" in the survival bit of evolutionism - although one could argue that this is quite the opposite case, since surely those who get through times of hardshp and strife are indeed more hardy!
However, I'm not of that ilk (today anyway
1/. Homosexuality is as old as the hills.
2/. The fact that a homosexual will not reproduce demonstrates that evolution works just fine (it marks the end of what "nature" presumably considers non viable genetic line).