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With a residency visa, yes. Which was not needed before. You have lost the right to retire wherever in the EU you wish.

Damn facts...

EU/EEA or Swiss citizens

If you hold a passport from an EU/EEA country, or from Switzerland, then retiring in Portugal will be easy for you. Thanks to EU freedom of movement, you can retire in Portugal whenever you like.

Non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens

If you don’t have a passport from the EU/EEA or Switzerland, then you’ll need a residency visa to begin the process of retiring in Portugal.
You’ll need to meet the following basic requirements to get a residency visa:

  • Have a valid passport
  • Provide proof of income
  • Have private health insurance (you can join Portugal’s state health care system, but only after you receive your residency permit)
  • Criminal record check from your current country of residency
So if I fulfill the criteria I have a right to retire in an EU country that accepts me?
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You said it caused MASSIVE trade barriers, you not think you might be slightly exaggerating, it's not like it's not something your prone to doing.
Compared to the frictionless trade we had, we do have massive trade barriers.

Fresh fruit and veg routinely takes am extra 24 hours.

The complexity of the customs, transit and legal elements is the reason the Govt recommend businesses use a customs agent to deal with it.....that means it effectively rules out the self emotes and small businesses, it's just not worth the ago.

But then you have never understood the single market so you can't comprehend
Here we go.
Let's try this one.
I've passed the criteria to retire in Portugal, the apartment I'm in a block of flats gets raided by the police.
They bang on the door, I open the door and in an English accent I ask "what do you want" This leads them to ask "have you a right to be in this country"
To which I produce my papers. To which they say " sorry for disturbing you, have a nice day"
At least I think that's what they said.
Compared to the frictionless trade we had, we do have massive trade barriers.

Fresh fruit and veg routinely takes am extra 24 hours.

The complexity of the customs, transit and legal elements is the reason the Govt recommend businesses use a customs agent to deal with it.....that means it effectively rules out the self emotes and small businesses, it's just not worth the ago.

But then you have never understood the single market so you can't comprehend
There's that word again massive, you can't help yourself pushing the envelope where it will no longer fit through the letter box.
You don't understand the difference between tariff and non tariff barriers.

The TCA doesn't deal with:

Rules of origin checks
SPS controls
Cabotage restrictions
ATA carnet issues
Transit documents
Customs declarations

Nor does it deal with 90 in 180 day restrictions

Oh and the TCA doesn't deal with services we have no trade deal for that
No use doing your projection of what you think is the situation, the truth of the matter is I have a right to work in the EU if I pass the criteria.
Let me remind you of what you stipulated.
"Brits no longer have the right to live, work, or retire in 27 countries"
Which again is patently not true, the terms and conditions have changed which are not as advantageous and that is what you should have said. Otherwise saying Brits had no right to work in the EU, sounds like the EU has banned Brits from working in the EU.
Not hard to understand is it, well it seems it could be.

You are WRONG

As an EU member every UK citizen had the right to work, live and EU country could change the rules, FOM gave us rights.

No need to apply for anything just go and work.

No there is no right, UK citizens are subject to whatever visa and other restrictions EU countries choose to no right

Poor Gant, you best toddle off to screwfix to get yer self a much bigger shovel
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