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They've already got a Federal state. Too late to think otherwise now
No thats not true.

The EU doesn’t have its own government, so it can’t act as a federal state.

The EU is made up of countries with their own governments with control of their own political system, control of almost all their own money, can make their own foreign policy
They've already got a Federal state. Too late to think otherwise now.
I don't think the'd have a standing European Army but continue to collaborate closely on mutual defence and combine their armies when threatened from Russia. They may have to if America withdraws from NATO.
The armies are combined now, via nato.

Do you think any European country, including us, has the power to stand alone militarily in the world?
the rate of migration from Libya is reaching even higher levels than the Channel crossing and giving Europe serious indigestion
It is a concern, it’s not an existential threat to EU

the displacement of people is a threat across most countries now, it’s certainly a worry

Personally I would imagine the Ukraine war and problems of weaning off Russian gas are greater problems to be resolved
it wasn’t almost 50:50. The gap was nearly 3.8% and well over 1m votes.
1 million or 10 million is irrelevant on a percentage decision.

It wasn't 75/25. Or 66.66/33.3. Or even 60/40. It was as near 50/50 as you will ever get.

But you know that. Nobody is disputing it. It wasn't exactly 50/50, but it was damn close
Brexit provided opportunities to do things differently but those opportunities have so far not been exploited. It is a lot easier for a giant Japanese car company to make the Brexit transition than it is for a small food and drink exporting company faced with loads more red tape. But while it is convenient for those who have never quite got over being on the losing side in the referendum to brand Brexit a disaster, the reality is that it hasn’t been. Covid-19 scarred the economy deeply and the long-term costs of ill health and children missing out on school will grow over time. Even so, Brexit Britain has recovered more strongly than either France or Germany from the pandemic. Relative performance matters. The rejoin camp tends not to focus on what is happening on the other side of the Channel, and it is not hard to see why.

That argument cannot be made today. Over a prolonged period, not just since the arrival of Covid-19, the EU’s economic performance has been woeful.

Fifteen years ago, the US and EU economies were of a similar size; today America’s is a third bigger. Fluctuations in exchange rates account for some of the difference, but the US is at the cutting edge of the fourth industrial revolution and the EU is not...In 2000, the EU had a 25% share in the semiconductor market: today it is 8%. The US and China are streets ahead of Europe in the development of artificial intelligence.

A number of factors are to blame for the EU’s economic woes. The one-size-fits-all nature of the single currency is one; the lack of a federal budget to match in size that of the US is another; the adherence to neoliberal economic ideas– such as tough controls on the size of budget deficits – a third. The problems go right to the heart of the EU. Its biggest economy – Germany – is expected to contract this year and has been left with a €60bn black hole in the public finances after the country’s constitutional court ruled against the coalition government’s spending plans.

Larry Elloitt@the Gumbyaid
Woeful indeed, so brexhit was a lucky escape? Covid showed europe was too dependent on foreign supplied essentials such as ppe, and the invasion of ukrane that it was too reliant on russsian gas. Better in than out. And a member of the euro. Back in the day Dysonn favoured entry into the euro!!


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