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Dyson owners used to boast about how good the warranty service for broken down vacs was. They took it away and delivered a new one.

I have no idea how good the service for Miele vacs is.
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Looks like growth to me
Yes the EU can grow by having more countries in the Union.

I believe you said the EU can't grow without federalisation, increasing the numbers of members does not assume federalisation.
That was part of the referendum question and the UK voted to leave, so now the question is how does the UK grow its economy seperately from the EU. Apparently James Dyson believes it's better to take his business to Asia and grow it there.
What stopped the UK from growing its economy inside the EU?

When we were a member I remember the shops being full of goods from China, India, America, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Japan etc etc.

The 3 global economic superpowers are the EU, China, America....we stand zero chance of getting a trade deal with China or America.

It was always a false argument to claim EU membership restricted our opportunities in a meaningful way.
If the EU is so f'cking good, why didn’t he move there? If we were still in the EU, he would STILL have moved to Asia so it’s feck all to do with Brexit really.
He could've moved to Asia whilst we were a member of the EU

So he had no need to support brexit then
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Yes the EU can grow by having more countries in the Union.

I believe you said the EU can't grow without federalisation, increasing the numbers of members does not assume federalisation.
It's already Federalised, as i said. You're starting to sound like Claudius arguing for the return of the Roman Republic as the Empire grew into an Imperial state.
What stopped the UK from growing its economy inside the EU?

When we were a member I remember the shops being full of goods from China, India, America, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Japan etc etc.

The 3 global economic superpowers are the EU, China, America....we stand zero chance of getting a trade deal with China or America.

It was always a false argument to claim EU membership restricted our opportunities in a meaningful way.
IR rates.

All of the arguments for and against etc, etc, etc.

Probably one of the most significant financial events to happen to the union ever.
Do we actually think that the establishment (no, not the nobs in parliament, the ones who pull the levers behind the curtains) would have allowed Brexit to happen if it was ultimately destructive for the UK?

You have to read between the lines.

I've no idea what the thoughts are of the establishment behind closed doors. we can only speculate.
However, Financial independence must be a massive factor. Controlling your own IR is vital to an economy.
I think this is the main factor for brexit tbh.
We pulled out of the ERM because of it.

Britain not having the € was never about keeping the crown on the pint pot.
Only the dim and short sighted would think this.
IR rates.

All of the arguments for and against etc, etc, etc.

Probably one of the most significant financial events to happen to the union ever.
Do we actually think that the establishment (no, not the nobs in parliament, the ones who pull the levers behind the curtains) would have allowed Brexit to happen if it was ultimately destructive for the UK?

You have to read between the lines.

I've no idea what the thoughts are of the establishment behind closed doors. we can only speculate.
However, Financial independence must be a massive factor. Controlling your own IR is vital to an economy.
I think this is the main factor for brexit tbh.
We pulled out of the ERM because of it.

Britain not having the € was never about keeping the crown on the pint pot.
Only the dim and short sighted would think this.
Reds under the bed stuff
I can't hear you, my tinfoil hat must be on too low.:rolleyes:
It's already Federalised, as i said
That is your opinion, it does not make it fact.

Please avoid stating opinion as fact.

You are welcome to say:

"In my opinion the EU is already federalised"

or you could say:

"the EU is already federalised, here is my evidence to support that claim....."

You're starting to sound like Claudius arguing for the return of the Roman Republic as the Empire grew into an Imperial state.
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