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Which just goes to show that we are not an island (metaphorically).
We all want stuff as cheap as possible so the manufacturers have to produce them where it is the cheapest to do so to remain competitive. Just common sense really.
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Which paints the UK in an even worse light.


The UK has become a dreadful place to do business because it was being bootstrapped to the EU regimes woke agenda.
There is no competing with the 3rd world for manufacturing if you wan't 1st world benefits.

That's not to say that workers must be treated like ****e to have any chance of getting work but i can tell you from experience, doing work in the EU is difficult. A bureaucratic nightmare.

The UK has become a dreadful place to do business because it was being bootstrapped to the EU regimes woke agenda.
There is no competing with the 3rd world for manufacturing if you wan't 1st world benefits.

That's not to say that workers must be treated like ****e to have any chance of getting work but i can tell you from experience, doing work in the EU is difficult. A bureaucratic nightmare.
So are you thinking about moving out of Ireland and migrating to the UK?
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the interest rate tool, along with its own currency is the financial main armaments.
Really, not an insignificant thing to surrender to a federation.
The EU is not a federation

And the UK was not in the Euro, so wasn't tied to any interest rate or other rules
The UK has become a dreadful place to do business because it was being bootstrapped to the EU regimes woke agenda
"Woke agenda"

A meaningless term, lifted out of the Daily Mail

but i can tell you from experience, doing work in the EU is difficult. A bureaucratic nightmare.
Please could you provide examples of the "beauricratic nightmare"
Ireland is (at the moment) a wonderful place to live and work.
Yes Iteland has benefitted massively since joining the EU

And Dublin has expanded its financial services sector a huge amount since brexit because of businesses moving from UK to Ireland to be in the single market.

The UK has become a dreadful place to do business because it was being bootstrapped to the EU regimes woke agenda.
Pure rubbish.

Try doing business there now. It is much harder.

Try doing work there now. Much harder
We all want stuff as cheap as possible so the manufacturers have to produce them where it is the cheapest to do so to remain competitive. Just common sense really.
You are not differentiating between price and value though
Yes Iteland has benefitted massively since joining the EU

Looks that way on the surface.
The reality is perhaps not so much.
In 2008 when the EU handcuffed the country to generational debt because it took away its IR controls 7 years earlier, it definatly wasn't the case.
"Woke agenda"

A meaningless term, lifted out of the Daily Mail

Please could you provide examples of the "beauricratic nightmare"
Any professional dealing with EU specs and standards will give you examples. I don't need to repeat them here.
So are you thinking about moving out of Ireland and migrating to the UK?
So the EU is not as bad as you make out.

And you prefer EU to UK.
Just because Ireland is in the EU, JohnD puts them all under the same umbrella. He thinnks Ireland is on par with Latvia and Lithuania. Silly JohnD. Here’s a thought, why don’t you go and live in the EU - you can be close to your European investments then. (y)
We all want stuff as cheap as possible so the manufacturers have to produce them where it is the cheapest to do so to remain competitive. Just common sense really.
But that isnt the brexxers argument when it comes to services that eu migrants compete on like plastering. There are many posts from brexxers on this forum justifying restricting competition as a brexhit benefit. I recall rees-smugg citing it as well.

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