House wife's father now blames the UK

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Like them 2 they called the Beatles ? They should have all been stood up against the nearest wall imho

But your opinions are worthless at best, and inhuman at worst.
Oh yeah, I forgot that the only people who you think should be killed are those who you don't like on a DIY forum... The people who go around beheading aid workers and journalists etc should live a long and fulfilling life.

And your point is...?

There are dedicated agencies and organisations authorised, experienced and equipped to carry out such missions.
And your OK with said people to put their life's at risk.... What if they don't want to go
The DM reporter that you referred to in the OP didn't seem to have much problem getting in and out.

So the context was firmly established. The issue being discussed was that of the problems/risks of sending people to the camp to bring Shamima Begum and her baby back to the UK. Bod raised that concern and jason pointed out that a newspaper reporter had managed to get in and out

And it was at that point that you wrote:

The DM reporter that you referred to in the OP didn't seem to have much problem getting in and out.
If he didn't want to go, he could have refused. I can't see his employer sacking him for refusing to enter into a dangerous undertaking. Can you?
As already pointed out, the reporter has a passport.

Plus, he didn't belong to a terrorist group. Your comparing chalk and cheese.

So no, chalk and cheese were not being compared.

A newspaper reporter and hypothetical people sent to bring Shamima Begum and her baby back to the UK were being compared.

The reporter had a passport, and anybody sent to bring Shamima Begum and her baby back to the UK would have a passport.

The reporter did not belong to a terrorist group, and nobody sent to bring Shamima Begum and her baby back to the UK would have belonged to one.

So what did you think was being compared when you quoted a post about a reporter and wrote what you did about him having a passport etc?
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Oh yeah, I forgot that the only people who you think should be killed are those who you don't like on a DIY forum
Got any proof to back up that allegation?

Or do you think you are so special that it's OK for you to make allegations like that even though you know they are untrue?
But your opinions are worthless at best, and inhuman at worst.

Well Er I would not go so far as to say that:LOL:

Inhuman hmm Those stood up against the wall may think so ?

Then again what about my policy of getting them to volunteer for mine clearance with a pair of snow shoes ???

They could be paid ? And given a protective tin hat :idea:

Any self respecting terrorist would volunteer
He didn't ask for any of this.

Was there even ever a baby? Always remember with muslims: their religion allows them to lie to non-believers. A dead baby is a well used sympathy tactic for these people, and the BBC has fallen for it hook, line and sinker. We've heard more sympathy from them for Jemima Bacon in recent days than we have for poor Jodie Chesney, a true innocent.

The only person to blame for Jemima Bacon's predicament is Jemima Bacon; not the British public, not the British Government, not the Conservative Party, not the British Empire, and certainly not me and my "illegal" opinions.

As for her father - isn't he an Islamic radical also? Is there record of him attending loony hate preacher rallies?
It still doesn't take away the fact that to get a baby out of war-torn country within 2 weeks of the baby's life would've been a very hard thing to do. No passports, no nothing.
  1. Who do you think would have prevented her from leaving the camp or the country whilst being escorted by representatives of the UK government and (quite possibly) security forces?
  2. Who do you think would have prevented her from entering the UK when she arrived here escorted by representatives of the UK government and (quite possibly) security forces?
  1. Who do you think would have prevented her from leaving the camp or the country whilst being escorted by representatives of the UK government and (quite possibly) security forces?
  2. Who do you think would have prevented her from entering the UK when she arrived here escorted by representatives of the UK government and (quite possibly) security forces?
I think it wouldve required the mothers consent, you cant just snatch a baby.
If you'd been paying attention to, and were interested in, the facts, you'd know that she had expressed a firm desire for her and her baby to return.
Yes but we did not want her in the UK

So she would have had to be seperated from her baby

That would have been in human

The UK allows the killing of thousands of unborn children every year?

What a good example of conflating an issue when losing an argument :)

I suppose you are a pro figures
Yep! I wasn't conflating anything I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of those who believe some human beings have more entitlement to life than others.
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