House wife's father now blames the UK

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"The refugee camp is 20 kilometers from the border with Iraq, a 10 minute car journey."

There's a motorway right into the hospital?
There's two hospitals within the hour.

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Reporting that someone that is Muslim and wants to kill you, me and our neighbours and friends and all our family's, is Islamophobic?
If it's true, no. It's just reporting.
You blamed the UK for not taking the kid back to the UK for it's death, now you tell me that actually there are hospitals within the country that could've cared. So why didn't they, and why still blame the UK? I think you're trying to rescue that opinion of yours....

also Himmie hasnt mentioned there is a father -why didnt the fathers home country offer to take the baby....
And I've yet to see any answers to my questions...
Some of them have been proven to be irrelevant.
For example:
How long does it take for official procedures to be completed? Irrelevant. They can proceed in parallel.
How could she cross the border without a passport? Irrelevant. She didn't need to cross borders.
Why didn't doctors attend to her. Because no-one asked them to.
Why didn't she go to hospital? Because she didn't have the fare.

Like notch's question, completely irrelevant. The child was a UK citizen.
Why didn't Australia, USA, EU, or any other geographical area offer. That's a rhetorical question.
If it's true, no. It's just reporting.
If it is true, then it shows how easy it is to travel in and out of these camps.
If it's not true, it's genuine Islamophobia. In the case of the Sun, it wouldn't be the first time.
They're hardly a reliable source of information.
Some of them have been proven to be irrelevant.
For example:
How long does it take for official procedures to be completed? Irrelevant. They can proceed in parallel.
How could she cross the border without a passport? Irrelevant. She didn't need to cross borders.
Why didn't doctors attend to her. Because no-one asked them to.
Why didn't she go to hospital? Because she didn't have the fare.

Like notch's question, completely irrelevant. The child was a UK citizen.
Why didn't Australia, USA, EU, or any other geographical area offer. That's a rhetorical question.
They are entirely relevant! These are real obstacles, made even harder because of the state of Syria after war.
And your answer for the 'fare' for a hospital ride is both flippant and amusing. What a very strange response indeed.

Bottom line - the UK is not responsible for every citizen who puts themselves deliberately in these positions, in war torn countries.
If it is true, then it shows how easy it is to travel in and out of these camps.
If it's not true, it's genuine Islamophobia. In the case of the Sun, it wouldn't be the first time.
They're hardly a reliable source of information.
No it doesn't prove how easy it is to travel out the camps. Where did you get that from?
the UK is not responsible for every citizen who puts themselves deliberately in these positions, in war torn countries.
The child didn't.
I have already said that the mother's decision was a contributing factor, as was SJ's
As I also said, which one exudes the perception of being the more responsible, the more understanding?
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