House wife's father now blames the UK

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I presented an idea of why threads are deleted, how is that insulting?
That doesn't support your allegation that I have insulted you. Not by a long way, it was a theory, an idea, a suspicion.
So I'm still waiting.
If you think your examples are insults, I would suggest:

I've just given one example of what notch has said then denied he had said it.
I'm sure there are more.

But if you think that my allegation that notch is disingenuous, is insulting you, I suggest:
So I'm still waiting... and as per usual, you've completely missed the point. Try re-reading my last post.
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Well if neither parent is a British citizen then how if she has another child will it be British?
It won't will it?
I do hope that she doesn't bring another child into the world until she is in a place and a position to look after it well - I hope at last she will make a sensible choice.
According to those who think the Home Secretary should have done more to secure the protection of the child. What should he have done?
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According to those who think the Home Secretary should have done more to secure the protection of the child. What should he have done?
I don't think he should have stripped her of citizenship for reasons previously posted.
He could have made an attempt. It would have earned him brownie points if nothing else.
To do nothing, not even attempt anything was callous, and in my mind a dereliction of the duty of the Home Secretary.
I don't think he should have stripped her of citizenship for reasons previously posted.
He could have made an attempt. It would have earned him brownie points if nothing else.
To do nothing, not even attempt anything was callous, and in my mind a dereliction of the duty of the Home Secretary.
But you give no answers. To make an attempt, how? Please try and remember the 'no British consulate' people in Syria, and the 'do not travel to Syria as it's incredibly unsafe' advice part to British citizens before you answer.

And plenty of people agreed that citizenship being stripped was right, for the safety of the British public. When does she take responsibility for her own actions btw? If ISIS was still going strong, she'd want no part of being a British citizen - she was happy being a jihadi bride.
But you give no answers.
You must have missed it.

Read more:
You must have missed it.
View attachment 160719
That's all very well and good, but you're still not answering the question.

According to those who think the Home Secretary should have done more to secure the protection of the child. What should he have done?

But you give no answers. To make an attempt, how? Please try and remember the 'no British consulate' people in Syria, and the 'do not travel to Syria as it's incredibly unsafe' advice part to British citizens before you answer.
That's all very well and good, but you're still not answering the question.
Are you intending on asking the same question incessantly again until you get the answer that you want?
That isn't a discussion, it's an interrogation.
And then you'll resort to insults again?
SHE didn't have a passport. That was what I was talking about. A passport is what enabled the journo to travel with freely. The mother and the baby did NOT have passports. Babies need passports.
Journo with passport not a member of a terrorist group = travel freely to the UK.
Woman & baby without passports with woman a member of a terrorist group = not able to travel freely to the UK.
The camp is run by our allies, and I'm sure they would welcome any reduction in numbers.

Please explain just who would have prevented them from leaving in the company of UK officials because they had no UK passports.

And on arrival here, just who do you think would have prevented them from entering the UK accompanied by those officials.

These are not rhetorical questions - you must surely have a firm idea of who would have acted as a block at either stage, and why, or else you wouldn't be saying that a lack of passports would be such an issue.
The camp is run by our allies, and I'm sure they would welcome any reduction in numbers.

Please explain just who would have prevented them from leaving in the company of UK officials because they had no UK passports.

And on arrival here, just who do you think would have prevented them from entering the UK accompanied by those officials.

These are not rhetorical questions - you must surely have a firm idea of who would have acted as a block at either stage, and why, or else you wouldn't be saying that a lack of passports would be such an issue.
I doubt anyone would've prevented them leaving, but where would they have gone? Are they allowed to enter another country without a passport?
And where do these UK officials come from? There is no active British officials in Syria.
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