House wife's father now blames the UK

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You said 'according to me'.

Well it wasnt, I merely reported what the police chief said.
Really. Your original post, in it's original form, and in totality:
Certainly the UK knew about this girl but did not take safeguarding steps -for example not warning the parents.

I feel sorry for the parents -whatever one thinks about the girl, the parents have lost a child.
I can't quite make out the quotes or the source of your quotes.Could you please point out where they are?
@ban-all-sheds Would you have volunteered to go and collect the child as a representative of the British Government?
If they had wanted volunteers, certainly.
But the UK government (SJ) had made it quite clear that it had no intention of even trying.
Apart from that I have already dismissed your silly suggestion that it would be necessary for someone to travel from the UK.
I doubt anyone would've prevented them leaving, but where would they have gone? Are they allowed to enter another country without a passport?
And where do these UK officials come from? There is no active British officials in Syria.
Again your point has been answered several times over. But it won't stop you asking it again and again and again.
It takes hours to make out an emergency passport.
How do you think new born babies are normally allowed to travel when born abroad?

It doesn't need a passport to travel to a local hospital.
And before you claim that the hospitals had been bombed, yes some had, in the west of Syria, not in the NE, where Shemima was, which was in Kurdish territory, allies of the Syrian Defence Force.
They are hardly likely to bomb their allies.
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How do mothers and babies travel after their children are born while abroad?
And can criminals arrested abroad or deportation back to the UK escape that fate by the simple expedient of destroying their passports?

Do the authorities there refuse to allow UK policemen to take the villain away?

When they arrive back here, do our Border Force officials refuse to allow someone handcuffed to a police officer to enter if they've got no passport?
Oh you do have selective memory
Go on then - show how selective it is being by showing where I've done what you accuse me of.

and a great way with words
Is that a failing?

just like Himmy. You the same person?

Are you another of those people so unable or unwilling to accept that views like mine are not aberrant, not rare, that you desperately want the posters who express them to turn out to be one person with multiple user IDs?
According to those who think the Home Secretary should have done more to secure the protection of the child. What should he have done?
When she first surfaced he should have worked with whatever other agencies were appropriate to provide as much assistance as possible to them out there and to get her repatriated.

What he should not have done was to pander to the red-mist hate mongers in the gutter press by trying to strip her of UK citizenship.
I doubt anyone would've prevented them leaving, but where would they have gone? Are they allowed to enter another country without a passport?
I know we are doing our best to sever friendly relations with as many countries as possible, but the job is not yet complete, and I think you'll find that there is quite a difference between someone passport-less rocking up unannounced at a port of entry, and someone expected and pre-arranged arriving accompanied by UK government officials.

And where do these UK officials come from?
How about from the UK?

There is no active British officials in Syria.
Is there an active Daily Mail office in Syria?
Again your point has been answered several times over. But it won't stop you asking it again and again and again.
It takes hours to make out an emergency passport.
How do you think new born babies are normally allowed to travel when born abroad?

It doesn't need a passport to travel to a local hospital.
And before you claim that the hospitals had been bombed, yes some had, in the west of Syria, not in the NE, where Shemima was, which was in Kurdish territory, allies of the Syrian Defence Force.
They are hardly likely to bomb their allies.

The mother didnt ask for her baby to be brought back.
I can't quite make out the quotes or the source of your quotes.Could you please point out where they are?
I am pleased to see you have realised your error..... finally.

Well done.

So instead of saying 'according to' - which implies I made it up, you couldve said, 'please provide a link for your source of information'.
Family solicitor has written to the home office asking for them to show mercy and let her back into the UK
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