I’d be up for this:

So you are saying it wouldn’t have happened under any other government? We wouldn’t have seen a pandemic, a world recession, war in Europe etc etc

What utter drivel sidestepping.

The economy was in bad shape prior to those incidents.

Now you have just argued against yourself. If the economy was strong then those issues above would have had less impact.

So arguing they are the majore causes of the issues then proves how badly the economy was run.

But even better you just admitted the Tories are not in control and have no power yet are no different from anyone else but you won't vote for anyone else even if you say they are the same.

Dumb and Dumber then there is Mottie.

Well done.
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Ze book with ze list!

Grow up and get a sense of humour otherwise you will continue to stand out as being a humourless ****!

Grow up? Yet you live off childhood fantasies of they need us more than we need them and rubbish like that.

You still have a poster of Maggie in your bathroom?
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What utter drivel sidestepping.

The economy was in bad shape prior to those incidents.

Now you have just argued against yourself. If the economy was strong then those issues above would have had less impact.

So arguing they are the majore causes of the issues then proves how badly the economy was run.

But even better you just admitted the Tories are not in control and have no power yet are no different from anyone else but you won't vote for anyone else even if you say they are the same.

Dumb and Dumber then there is Mottie.

Well done.
So come on then, tell us all who could do better and how as well as who you will be voting for in the next GE.
So come on then, tell us all who could do better and how as well as who you will be voting for in the next GE.

Starmer will do better by the simple fact he isn't a lunatic. I will be voting Labour.

The Tories are pure on mental as they only have culture wars left. The fact after all their failure you still support them shows just how much a sucker you are.
What don't you get Mottie, I have voted for both Tory and Labour. I was against the backdoor privatisation of the NHS that both parties supported, I was vehemently against Brexit - it wasn't the answer to our economic problems, but I am most against this whole political system of first past the post. On top the Tories are trying everything to suppress votes - we don't nee voter ID but it was implemented - just more divisive policies to keep the likes of you on board.

When will it end under the Tories until everyone is under someone elses boot?

What don't you get - we need better representation and keeping on voting Tory means we will never get that if they can rely on your vote come what may. You are then not a voter but a useful idiot.

I'd like Proportional Representation with Single Transferable Vote - it far better reflects the variety of views rather than the duopoly of Labour vs Tory.

Imagine Labour made that an election pledge - the media and newspapers would be full on attack mode because they knew their influence lies with being alligned with the Tories. STV and PR would upend that cosy relationship.

Why are you so hellbent on kicking this country when its on its knees?
So there are dogs then there are dumb dogs then there is Mottie.

Why don't they train more soldiers and invest more in the army. Oops Tory failure means cuts everywhere because they can't grow the economy.
Your a very angry man
It’s culture wars for the tories, they want to give council homes to British people now, what next
Is not a question of the UK being invaded

But the UK is in nato and may well have to send troops into combat in Europe
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