I am a republican... but

As ever, good sense from R&C. To say thay I am "in favour" of the British monarchy doesn't quite explain the patriotic British man's position. WE are subjects of The King, and should seek HIS favour. However, if he is not worthy it is a different story. In troubled times bad kings were deposed by better individuals or families. Queen Elizabeth II was worthy. So is Charles, and so is Anne, but I worry about the rest of them.

I fear Charles is too concerned with "green" matters, but I hope being King makes him shape himself. I would like him to start by being regal, imperious and censorious and doing everything the anti-royalists dislike. If he tries to please them, he is finished.
Yeah, the forelock-tuggers love all that.

QEII's 'job' was to rebrand the empire as the commonwealth, King Charles Spaniel's 'job' will as a figurehead for the 'Green New Deal' aka more of the same exploitation by globalists.

The other fella, R&C, who mentioned King Charles Spaniel and the WEF is bang on. He's in it up to his eyeballs. After all, it was him who launched 'The Great Reset'.
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Yeah, the forelock-tuggers love all that.

QEII's 'job' was to rebrand the empire as the commonwealth, King Charles Spaniel's 'job' will as a figurehead for the 'Green New Deal' aka more of the same exploitation by globalists.

The other fella, R&C, who mentioned King Charles Spaniel and the WEF is bang on. He's in it up to his eyeballs. After all, it was him who launched 'The Great Reset'.
The Commonwealth has been so called since the time of Cromwell and only became an empire after Queen Victoria accepted the title Empress of India from Parliament. It will remain a trading confederation despite calls for republicans in member countries and i expect King Charles will do everything to maintain this in the national interest.
The Commonwealth has been so called since the time of Cromwell and only became an empire after Queen Victoria accepted the title Empress of India from Parliament. It will remain a trading confederation despite calls for republicans in member countries and i expect King Charles will do everything to maintain this in the national interest.
Check your facts.

Under Cromwell, England was declared a republican "Commonwealth and Free State" in May 1649. Nothing to do with the British Empire being rebranded as the Commonwealth.
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Check your facts.

Cromwell declared a republic called "The Commonwealth of England" - England was declared a republican "Commonwealth and Free State" in May 1649. Nothing to do with the British Empire being rebranded as the Commonwealth.
The Commonwealth of England developed over time; into Empire in 1876, then a declaration in 1926 of all nations being equal within the Commonwealth - have a read of Hobbes Leviathan to clarify the concept.
The Commonwealth of England developed over time; into Empire in 1876, then a declaration in 1926 of all nations being equal within the Commonwealth - have a read of Hobbes Leviathan to clarify the concept.
Hobbes' work is one of political philosophy and he's as entitled to his opinion as anyone else. He's not a source for information on the Cromwell's commonwealth or the British Empire.

But sure, everyone called it "The British Commonwealth", the sun never sets on the "British Commonwealth", right?
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